PALIKIR, POHNPEI. January 24, 2025 – The Congress has adopted the two resolutions on the Federated States of Micronesia’s agreed to plans for long-term priorities and goals in development and infrastructure: the FSM Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and the FSM Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP).
Through Congressional Resolution (CR) 23-268, the Congress approved and adopted the FSM Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2024 – 2043, a living document that serves as a guide for the Nation’s planning and budgeting for the next 20 years. The SDP enables the governments of the national and states to prioritize their plans and budget in targeted sectors and industries, develop infrastructure, and attract investments. In addition, the SDP also serves as the guiding framework to coordinate and align the development goals, outcomes and outputs of the governments of the national and the four states.
The SDP established nine thematic areas of development priorities for the next 20 years along with their related strategic outcomes and the nine areas are:
- Cultural heritage;
- Education and human capital;
- Health and well-being;
- Gender Equality and Social Inclusion;
- Governance and Institutional Strengthening;
- Peace and Security;
- Sustainable Economic Development;
- Environment Sustainability and Climate Change; and
- Infrastructure Development and Sustainability.
Adoption of CR 23-268 is the culmination of a year-long process that started at the tail end of the Nation’s first SDP which ended in 2023. In early 2024 the national government, through consultations with all relevant stakeholders across all sectors which included all governments, the private industry and the civil society, had formulated the FSM’s second SDP. It finally received nationwide support and endorsement through its adoption by the 14th State and National Leadership Conference (SNLC) in December 2024.
Similar to the adoption of the Nation’s long term strategic development plan, the Congress adopted CR 23-269, to approve the FSM Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP) 2024-2034, which is a roadmap established to guide the nation’s infrastructure development for the next 10 years. As a tool for the Nation, the IDP prioritizes critical infrastructure projects and investments that emphasizes on sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure, all the while ensures that the IDP is in alignment with the nation’s environmental and development policies.
As a national roadmap and guiding tool, the IDP is envisioned to guide the FSM’s development needs and ensures that public infrastructure assets meet the current and future demands of our communities, including transportation, energy, water and sanitation, public facilities, and marine, agriculture and coastal protection. The IDP too was endorsed by the leaderships of both national and state governments through during the 14th SNLC in December 2024.
Both adopted resolutions will be submitted to Joint Economic Management Committee (JEMCO) in order to facilitate the disbursement of 2023 amended Compact funding for the related sectors.
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