11th CFSM Public Laws

Public Law No.DateTitle
PL 11-833/19 - 23/01  To further amend title 12 secs. 1704, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1716 and 1719, to make corrections, to make sharing arrangements subject to approval by Congress and to ensure that proceeds of crime received by FSM are deposited into General Fund (CB 11-208 CD1)(SCR 11-198)
PL 11-823/19 - 23/01  To further amend title 54 sec. 222 to clarify when goods imported for subsequent export become subject to import duty, to clarify the exemption from import duty for certain fishing vessel equipment (CB 11-205)(SCR 11-200)
PL 11-813/19 - 23/01  To further amend title 52 sec. 112, 163, 202, 203, 206, 207 and 208 to create professional premiums for certain professionals, sec. 117 to exempt a position from public service system and enact a new sec. 211 to create contract renewal bonus for same professionals (CB 11-194 CD2)(SCR 11-184 and 11-190)
PL 11-803/19 - 23/01  To further amend title 55 of the FSM Code sec. 204 and 226 Secretary of Finance to ensure compliance with reporting requirements and provide financial reports to Congress (CB 11-213)(SCR 11-206)
PL 11-793/19 - 23/01  To further amend P.L. 11-59 secs. 1, 3 and 7 to reappropriate funds line-item vetoed and to change allottee for certain Kosrae State funds (CB 11-212 CD2)(SCR 11-205)
PL 11-783/19 - 23/01  To further amend P.L. 11-27 secs. 3 and 5 to modify use of funds for Yap and eliminate consultation requirements (CB 11-201 CD1)(SCR 11-192)
PL 11-773/19 - 23/01  To further amend P.L. 10-145 sec. 1 to set aside a portion of funds appropriated therein to be used for other transportation needs (CB 11-214 CD2)(11-208)
PL 11-763/19 - 23/01  To further amend title 11 of the FSM Code secs. 102, 104, 301, 506, 511, 907 and 940 to make technical corrections and add a new sec. 1001 (CB 11-210 CD1)(SCR 11-199)
PL 11-753/19 - 23/01  To further amend P.L. 10-120 sec. 6 to remove the consultation requirement between certain allottees and members of Congress (CB 11-200)(SCR 11-193)
PL 11-743/19 - 23/01  To further amend title 17 secs. 102, 103 and 104 to require distribution of emergency regulations to Congress (CB 11-206 CD1)(SCR 11-201)
PL 11-733/19 - 23/01  To further amend P.L. 11-54 by further amending secs. 2, 3, 8 and 19, to appropriate $299,000 from GF for FY 2001 for supplemental funding for the executive and legislative branches and grants, subsidies and contributions, to redesignate Dept. of Justice budget fund source and to change allottee for Yap Health Centers (CB 11-211 CD3)(SCR 11-202, 203, and 204)
PL 11-7212/11 - 15/00  To further amend title 11 of the FSM Code by repealing chaps. 1 through 10 to enact a new chap. 12 Sentencing, to enact a money laundering prohibition (CB 11-199 CD1)(SCR 11-183)
PL 11-7112/11 - 15/00  To further amend title 12 of the FSM Code by enacting a new chapter 17, the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act of 2000 (CB 11-130)(SCR 11-181)
PL 11-7012/11 - 15/00  To further amend title 54 of the FSM Code, sec. 222 to modify import duty exemption for goods imported for subsequent export (CB 11-164 CD1)(SCR 11-177)
PL 11-6912/11 - 15/00  To amend P.L. 11-59 secs. 1 and 3 to apportion funds, sec. 4 technical correction, sec. 7 to remove meeting requirement between certain allottees and Congress delegations (CB 11-197 CD2)(SCR 11-180)
PL 11-6812/11 - 15/00  To further amend title 40 sec. 113 to make the president of COM-FSM a full voting member of FACSSO (CB 11-137 CD1)(SCR 11-172)
PL 11-6712/11 - 15/00  To further amend P.L. 11-54 sec.s 2 and 8 to appropriate $1,057,732 FY 2001 as supplemental funding for executive branch and grants, subsidies and contributions, sec. 19 to provide allottees for new grants sub. and cont. (CB 11-176 CD6)(SCR 11-163)
PL 11-6612/11 - 15/00  To amend P.L. 11-53 sec. 2, 3, 4 and 8 to clarify procedure for electing Constitutional Convention delegates in single district states (CB 11-169 CD1)(SCR 11-176)
PL 11-6512/11 - 15/00  To further amend P.L. 11-27 sec. 1 to apportion funds for Chuuk, sec. 3 to modify use of funds for Yap, sec. 5 to provide allottees for newly created uses of funds. (CB 11-175 CD3)(SCR 11-168)
PL 11-6412/11 - 15/00  To further amend P.L. 10-120 sec. 6 to change the allottee for certain funds appropriated for Chuuk (CB 11-184 CD1)(SCR 11-169)
PL 11-635 - 6/2000  To amend P.L. 11-54 sec. 13, 15 and 16 to modify use of funds appropriated therein (CB 11-179 CD1)(SCR 11-165)
PL 11-625 - 6/2000  To further amend title 9, sec. 202, 301, 302, 303, 402, 603, 604, 704, 605, 703, 805 and 810 to amend law relating to appointment and responsibilities of nat’l election officials, certain election time frames and certain provisions relating to absentee voting (CB 11-173 CD1)(SCR 11-162)
PL 11-615 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 9-52, sec. 1 to change the use of Chuuk State funds (CB 11-177)(SCR 11-159)
PL 11-605 - 6/2000  To amend title 55, sec. 801 to remove consultation requirement before selection of district rep. on Chuuk State Commission on Improvement Projects (CB 11-178)(SCR 11-161)
PL 11-595 - 6/2000  To appropriate $6,200,000 for all state infrastructure funds and provide additional funds for Priority State Infrastucture Project Fund (PSIP) (CB 11-143 CD10)(SCR 11-157)
PL 11-585 - 6/2000  To appropriate $5,775 for FY 2001 for outer island Chuuk water catchments by reappropriating funds for Chuuk that lapsed (CB 11-167)(SCR 11-156)
PL 11-575 - 6/2000  To further amend title 24, sec. 102, 301 to change Micronesian Maritime Authority to Micronesian Fisheries Authority (CB 11-105 CD1)(SCR 11-154
PL 11-565 - 6/2000  To amend P.L. 11-54, sec. 19 provide that funds for post-secondary assistance for Yap shall not lapse (CB 11-170)(SCR 11-158)
PL 11-555 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 11-27, sec. 3, 4 and 5, to modify use of Kosrae funds, change allottee for certain Kosrae and Yapfunds and provide that funds not lapse (CB 11-154 CD2)(SCR 11-138)
PL 11-545 - 6/2000  To appropriate $33,838,991 from the FSM General Fund for FY 2001 to provide for the budgeted operating expenses of all branches of the Nat'l Gov't, various programs, subsidies, grants and contributions, to estab. budget forcompact secs. 211, 214(B), 215(A)(2), 216(A)(1), 216(A(2), 216(A)(3) AND 221(B) to estab. Dev. budget and appropriate funds therefor (CB 11-141 CD6)(SCR 11-144)
PL 11-535 - 6/2000  To provide for the selection of delegates and procedures for the Constitutional Convention approved in the referendum of July 1999 (CB 11-103 CD4)(SCR 11-128)
PL 11-525 - 6/2000  To further amend title 52 of the FSM Code by amending sec. 509 to give the Secretary of the Dept. of Finance and Administration discretion over when his personnel will receive overtime for certain tasks (CB 11-159)(SCR 11-149)
PL 11-515 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 8-115 by further amending sec. 1 to allow funds appropriated therein to be used for other needs in Chuuk (CB 11-148)(SCR 11-129)
PL 11-505 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 10-145 by amending sec. 2 to extend the lapse date (CB 11-161)(SCR 11-145)
PL 11-495 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 7-93 by further amending sec. 3 to extend lapse date on funds for State Centers for Continuing Education and to change the allottee for Chuuk State Funds (CB 11-156 CD1)(SCR 11-143)
PL 11-485 - 6/2000  To appropriate $20,378 from the FSM General Fund for FY 2000 for reappropriating funding that lapsed on Sept. 30, 1999 under P.L. 5-85 for the airstrip in Ulul in Election Dist. No. 5 State of Chuuk (CB 11-90 CD1)(SCR 11-136 and 11-142)
PL 11-475 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 10-120, by further amending sec. 4 to modify the use of funds appropriated therein for Yap State (CB 11-144 CD2)(SCR 11-124)
PL 11-465 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 10-53, by further amending sec. 3 to change the use of certain funds for Yap State (CB 11-139)(SCR 11-118)
PL 11-455 - 6/2000  To further amend P.L. 11-23 by further amending sec. 2, 3, 8 and 19 to appropriate $888,107 from the FSM General Fund for FY 2000 as supplemental funding for the executive branch, legislative branch and additional grants subsidies and contributions, to change name of Continental Scholarship and extend lapse date for certain funds (CB 11-149CD4)(SCR 11-139)
PL 11-445 - 6/2000  To appropriate $100,000 from the FSM General Fund for FY 2000 to reappropriate funds which lapsed on September 30, 1999 , for medical needs for Chuuk (CB 11-138 CD1)(SCR 11-117)
PL 11-431/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend title 54 of the FSM Code by further amending sec. 222 to add an exemption for parcels which would generate a de minimis duty (CB 11-38 CD2)(SCR 11-66)
PL 11-421/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 10-26, by further amending sec. 1 to change the use of certain funds for Kosrae State (CB 11-122 CD2)(SCR 11-96)
PL 11-411/24 - 2/11/00  To amend title 22 by adding a new sec. 416 to allow recovery of overtime costs for quarantine personnel from aircraft and sea vessel under certain circumstances, to further amend title 52 of the FSM Code by further amending sec. 509 to allow for payment of overtime compensation under certain circumstances (CB 11-51 CD1)(SCR 11-71)
PL 11-401/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend title 2 of the FSM Code by further amending sec. 207 to put time limit on congressional action on Presidential nominations (CB 11-30 CD2)(SCR 11-91)
PL 11-391/24 - 2/11/00  To amend P.L. 11-27 by amending sec. 4 and 5 to apportion Kosrae State funds and change allottees (CB 11-123 CD2)(SCR 11-97)
PL 11-381/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 9-067 by further amending sec. 5 to change the allottee for Chuuk funds (CB 11-92)(SCR 11-73)
PL 11-371/24 - 2/11/00  To appropriate $111,000 from the GF for FY 2000 to re-appropriate funds which lapsed on Sept. 30, 1999 for COM-FSM State campus construction in Kosrae and Yap (CB 11-89 CD1)(SCR 11-85)
PL 11-361/24 - 2/11/00  To appropriate $2,750,000 from the GF for FY 2000 to fund Priority State Infrastructure Project (PSIP) Fund, from which the States can fund priority projects, and to fund State regional projects (CB 11-118 CD5)(SCR 11-77)
PL 11-351/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend title 52 of the FSM Code by amending sec. 504 and by further amending sec. 507 to extend period of Early Retirement Program (CB 11-100)(SCR 11-82)
PL 11-341/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 11-23 by amending sec. 2, 3 and 17, and by further amending secs. 5, 8, 13 and 19 to appropriate $1,261,882 from the GF for FY 2000 as supplemental funding for Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Public Auditor, Grants, subsidies and contributions and College of Micronesia-FSM, to increase employment ceiling for Executive Branch, to add certain conditions on disbursement of funds for post-secondary assistance for Pohnpei and to change an allottee (CB 11-120 CD4)(SCR 11-98)
PL 11-331/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 8-118 by further amending sec. 1 and 3 to modify use of certain funds in Chuuk and change an allottee (CB 11-117)(SCR 11-89)
PL 11-321/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 10-120 by further amending sec. 1 and 6 to further modify the use and management of and to change the allottee for certain Chuuk Election Dist. No. 3 funds (CB 11-106 CD2)(SCR 11-75)
PL 11-311/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 8-75 by further amending sec. 2 to change use of funds, by further amending sec. 3 to change allottee for certain funds (CB 11-121)(SCR 11-90)
PL 11-301/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend title 55 of the FSM Code by amending sec. 804 to provide certain instances in which Chuuk State Commission on Improvement Projects shall serve as allottee (CB 11-93)(SCR 11-74)
PL 11-291/24 - 2/11/00  To further amend P.L. 9-52, by further amending sec. 1 to modify the use of certain funds for Chuuk State (CB 11-113)(SCR 11-76)
PL 11-281/24 - 2/11/00  To amend P.L. 11-23, by amending sec. 5 to revise the purpose for Public Auditors Office budget; by amending sec. 8 to move Chuuk Probation Office budget to Judiciary unrestricted category; by amending sec. 10 to allow additional usage of the Telecommunications budget; by amending sec. 13 to change source of funds for portion of COM-FSM budget; by amending sec. 14 and 16 to designate compact capital funds as source of funding; by amending sec. 19 to allow President to designate a State allottee for grants and subsidies and to change certain allottees (CB 11-84 CD4)(SCR 11-72)
PL 11-271/24 - 2/11/00  To appropriate $6,750,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for FY 2000 to fund infrastructure projects, roads, other economic and social projects and programs in the States of Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Yap (CB 11-11 CD6)(SCR 11-69)
PL 11-2610/12 - 22/99To further amend title 21 of the Code, by amending sec. 208 To further amend title 22 of the Code, by amending sec. 209 To further amend title 24 of the Code, by amending sec. 724 To further amend title 30 of the Code, by amending sec. 128 To further amend P.L. 7-79 by amending sec. 29 all to delete exemptions from the import tax (CB 11-68)(SCR 11-60)
PL 11-257/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 9-67, aab P.L. 9-112, 10-9 and 10-100, by further amending sec. 5, aab P.L. 9-112, 10-9 and 10-100, to change the allottee for Chuuk funds, to change the lapse date for such funds (CB 11-76 CD2)(SCR11-55)
PL 11-247/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend title 24 of the FSM Code, aa, by further amending sec. 301, aab P.L. 6-11, for requiring that all members of the Micronesian Maritime Authority shall be nominated subject to the advice and consent of the Congress (CB 11-58)(SCR 11-39)
PL 11-237/7 - 8/5/99  To appropriate $36,297,199 from the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2000, to provide for the budgeted operating expenses of all branches of the Nat'l Gov't of the FSM, various programs, subsidies, grants and contributions; to establish a budget for compact secs. 214(b), 215(a)(2), 216(a)(1), 216(a)(2), 216(a)(3)and 221(b); and to establish a development budget and appropriate funds available therefor under the Compact (CB 11-77 CD3)(SCR 11-54)
PL 11-227/7 - 8/5/99  To authorize an increase in the FSM's membership quota in the IMF and to provide for paying for it with promissory notes (CB 11-40)(SCR 11-36)
PL 11-217/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend title 50 of the Code of the FSM, aa, by further amending sec. 114, aab P.L. 5-105 and as renumbered by P.L. 10-14, for the purpose of allowing the issuance of citations and the collection of fees for the violation of certain provisions of chap. 1 or any regulations issued pursuant thereto without a hearing (CB 11-54)(SCR 11-40)
PL 11-207/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 10-120, aab P.L. 10-122 and 10-144, by further amending sec. 1, aab P.L. 10-122 and 10-144, for the purpose of modifying the use of certain funds appropriated therein, and by further amending sec. 6, aab P.L. 10-122, to change an allottee (CB 11-20 CD2)(SCR 11-15)
PL 11-197/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 10-119, aa, by further amending sec. 11, aab P.L. 10-130 and 10-139, for reprogramming funding and modifying the use of funds appropriated therein (CB 11-61 CD1)(SCR 11-43)
PL 11-187/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend title 55 of the Code of the FSM, aa, by further amending sec. 224A, as renumbered by P.L. 9-74 and aab P.L. 10-50, by amending sec. 224B, as renumbered by P.L. 9-74, to provide for the accounting of delegation expenses and a definition therefor (CB 11-43 CD2)(SCR 11-27)
PL 11-177/7 - 8/5/99  To amend P.L. 10-145, by amending sec. 1 to eliminate reference to $500,000 of the appropriation being funded from the capital account funds available under sec. 211 of the Compact of Free Association (CB 11-44)(SCR 11-28)
PL 11-167/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 7-117, aa, by further amending sec. 8, aab P.L. 7-136, 8-20, 8-42, 8-50, 8-81, 8-84 and 8-141, to adjust a lapse date (CB 11-45)(SCR 11-26)
PL 11-157/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 7-93, aab P.L. 8-9, 8-95, 10-7 and 10-89, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 8-95, 10-7 and 10-89, for the purpose of further extending the lapse date of funds appropriated for State Centers for Continuing Education (CB 11-48)(SCR 11-46)
PL 11-147/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 10-53, aab P.L. 10-101 and 10-129, by amending sec. 2 for the purpose of redefining the use of funds to include community water tanks, other community water development needs, economic and social projects, and legal fees for Kolonia Town, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 10-101 and 10-129, to broaden the use of certain funds to include road repairs, and by amending sec. 5, to extend the lapse date to Sept. 30, 2000 (CB 11-35 CD2)(SCR 11-24)
PL 11-137/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 7-24, Pohnpei State public projects, aa, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 7-63, 7-74, 7-112, and 8-119, to modify the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein for Pohnpei public projects (CB 11-32)(SCR 11-19)
PL 11-127/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 9-40, aab P.L. 10-6 and 10-112, by amending sec. 1, aab P.L. 10-6 and 10-112, in order to modify the lapse provision therein (CB 11-59)(SCR 11-49)
PL 11-117/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 9-052, aa, by further amending sec. 2, aab P.L. 9-94, 9-117, 9-160, 10-69, 10-106 and 10-147, to modify the use of funds appropriated (CB 11-46)(SCR 11-35)
PL 11-107/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 10-120, aab P.L. 10-122, 10-144, 11-5 and 11-8, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 10-122, and by further amending sec. 6, aab P.L. 10-122 and11-8, to provide a further apportionment of funds and to change an allottee (CB 11-33 CD2)(SCR 11-21)
PL 11-97/7 - 8/5/99  To further amend P.L. 10-119, aa, by further amending sec. 1, aab P.L. 10-132, 10-139 and 11-6, by further amending sec. 2, aab P.L. 10-128 and 10-138, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 10-124, by further amending sec. 5, aab P.L. 10-132, and by amending sec. 13; to appropriate $469,271 from the General Fund of the FSM to provide for supplemental appropriations and reprogramming of funds for various departments and offices for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1999 (CB 11-64 CD2)(SCR 11-38)
PL 11-8   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To further amend P.L. 10-120, aab P.L. 10-122 and 10-144, by further amending sec. 1, aab P.L. 10-122 and 10-144, for the purpose of modifying the use of certain funds appropriated therein, and by further amending sec. 6, aab P.L. 10-122, to change an allottee (CB 11-20 CD2)(SCR 11-14)
PL 11-7   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To appropriate the sum of $840,000 from the GF of the FSM for FY '99 to fund nat’l programs and projects (CB 11-2 CD2 )(SCR 11-5 and SCR 11-10)
PL 11-6   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To further amend P.L. 10-119, aa, by further amending sec. 1, aab P.L. 10-132 and 10-139, for the purpose of allowing payment of additional overtime from funds previously appropriated and to appropriate $17,065 from the FSM GF for the FY '99, for Nat'l Police overtime, notwithstanding sec. 509 of title 52 of the FSM Code (CB 11-19 CD2)(SCR 11-9)
PL 11-5   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To further amend P. L. 10-120, aab P.L. 10-122 and 10-144, by further amending sec. 4, as amended by P.L. 10-122, for the purpose of reprogramming funding and modifying the use of funds appropriated therein for the State of Yap (CB 11-15 CD2)(SCR 11-8)
PL 11-4   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To further amend P.L. 6-74, aa, by further amending sec. 5, aab P.L. 6-101, 7-72, 8-152, 9-61, 9-141, and 10-105, to extend the lapse date to Sept. 30, 1999 (CB 11-16)(SCR 11-3)
PL 11-3   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To amend P.L. 10-143, by amending sec. 3 for the purpose of modifying the use of funds appropriated therein for the State of Yap (CB 11-27 CD1)(SCR 11-7)
PL 11-2   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To amend P.L. 10-143, by amending sec. 1, to modify the use of funds and reprogram funds appropriated therein for Chuuk State (CB 11-21 CD1)(SCR 11-4)
PL 11-1   MAY 11 - 20, 1999To direct the President of the FSM or his designee to submit the question:  Shall there be a convention to revise or amend the constitution?" to the voters of the FSM in the special election to be held in July 1999 (CB 11-4)(SCR 11-1)