PL 12-81 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 9-095, as amended, by amending section 3 thereof to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated for school needs in Yap State, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-80 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend title 51 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending section 152 to add the regulation of recruitment of FSM citizens to the functions and duties of the Employment Service, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-79 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend title 51 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending section 142 to correct engrossing errors, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-78 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 9-100, as amended, by amending section 1 thereof to reallocate funds appropriated for certain grants in the Southern Namoneas in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-77 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sections 402, 404, 405, 407, 408, 409 and 410 to provide for a Board of Directors to oversee the National Government Employees' Health Insurance Plan and National Government Employees' Health Insurance Fund, and for other purposes. (CB 12-79 CD1)(SCR) |
PL 12-76 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sections 603, 606, 801, 802 and 803 and by adding new sections 803A and 811 to make changes in the Social Security Act, and for other purposes. (CB 12-104 CD4)(SCR) |
PL 12-75 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by enacting a new section 202 in order to allow the Federated Development Authority to authorize the FSM Development Bank to turn over to the States unexpended money in the State subaccounts of the Investment Development Fund under certain circumstances, and to cease to administer such funds, and for other purposes. (CB 12-36 CD2)(SCR) |
PL 12-74 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 12-50, as amended and restated, by amending section 3 thereof to appropriate an additional $192,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003 to provide supplemental funding for the operations of the Legislative Branch, by amending section 8 thereof to clarify the provisions concuring joint law enforcement funds, and by amending section 13 thereof to correct engrossing errors, and for other purposes. (CB 12-170 CD2)(SCR) |
PL 12-73 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 7-39, as amended, by amending section 2 thereof to reallocate certain funds previously appropriated for Yap State public projects, by amending section 4 thereof to change the allottee for such funds, and for other purposes. CB 12-169)(SCR) |
PL 12-72 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 11-59, as amended, by amending section 2 thereof to re-allocate certain funds appropriated for infrastructure and other projects and programs in Election District No. 1 in the State of Pohnpei for other projects, programs and operations, by amending section 3 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to Election District No. 1 and Election District No. 5 in the State of Chuuk, by amending section 4 thereof to change the use of certain funds appropriated for Yap State, and by amending section 7 thereof to change the allottee for certain funds, and for other purposes. (CB 12-155 CD2)(SCR) |
PL 12-71 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 11-59, as amended, by amending section 2 thereof to re-allocate certain funds appropriated for infrastructure and other projects and programs in Election District No. 1 in the State of Pohnpei for other projects, programs and operations, by amending section 3 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to Election District No. 1 and Election District No. 5 in the State of Chuuk, by amending section 4 thereof to change the use of certain funds appropriated for Yap State, and by amending section 7 thereof to change the allottee for certain funds, and for other purposes. (CB 12-147 CD5)(SCR) |
PL 12-70 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 9-052, as amended, by amending sections 1 and 6 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to the Northwest Islands in the State of Chuuk and to change the allottee of such funds, and for other purposes. CB 12-163 CD1)(SCR) |
PL 12-69 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 8-100, as amended, by amending section 1 to modify the use of certain funds, by amending section 6 to change the allottee of funds appropriated under subsections (1), (6), (7), (8) and (9) of section 1, and for other purposes. (CB 12-137 CD1)(SCR) |
PL 12-68 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To further amend Public Law No. 10-120, as amended, by amending section 1 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to Election Districts Nos. 4 and 5 in the State of Chuuk and by amending section 6 thereof to change the allottee for certain funds, and for other purposes. (CB 12-154 CD3)(SCR) |
PL 12-67 | 1/8 - 11/03 | To amend Public Law No. 12-36 by amending section 1 thereof to change the use of certain funds appropriated to Chuuk State, by amending section 6 thereof to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated for the construction and repair of damages to the outer island airstrips in the Nation, by amending section 7 thereof to change the allottee for certain funds, and for other purposes. (CB 12-171 CD3)(SCR) |
PL 12-66 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To amend Public Law No. 12-13, as enacted, by amending section 2 to extend the moratorium on the immigration of certain alien workers, to allow nonresident workers to engage in outside employment or change employers for a defined period, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-65 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 50 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sections 103, 104, 112 and 113 of chapter 1, by enacting a new section 116 of chapter 1, and to amend title 51 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia by amending sections 141 and 142 of chapter 1, to modify the entry and/or work permit process for foreign workers, long term residents and spouses of citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-64 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 11-59, as amended, by amending section 2 thereof to re-allocate certain funds appropriated for infrastructure and other projects and programs in Election District No. 1 in the State of Pohnpei for other projects, programs and operations, by amending section 3 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to Election District No. 1 and Election District No. 5 in the State of Chuuk, by amending section 4 thereof to change the use of certain funds appropriated for Yap State, and by amending section 7 thereof to change the allottee for certain funds, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-63 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 41 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending section 904, as enacted by Public Law No. 8-45, for the purpose of eliminating the advice and consent requirement with respect to appointments to the National Board of Nursing, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-62 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 9-100, as amended, by amending section 1 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to the Northwest Islands statewide projects and programs in the State of Chuuk and by amending section 5 to change the allottee for such funds, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-61 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 8-100, as amended, by amending section 1 to modify the use of certain funds, by amending section 6 to change the allottee of funds appropriated under subsections (1), (6), (7),(8) and (9) of section 1, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-60 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 11-27, as amended, by amending section 1 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated for Election District No. 5 in the State of Chuuk and by amending section 3 to reallocate certain funds appropriated for the State of Yap, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-59 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To appropriate the sum of $40,188 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003 to fund the Faichuuk Pharmaceutical and Health Center, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-58 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 10-143, as amended, by amending sections 2 and 3 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to Election District No. 1 in the State of Pohnpei, to reallocate certain funds appropriated for the State of Yap, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-57 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 29 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sections 102, 104, 205, 301, 309,402, 403, 404, 601, 604, 605, 606, 612, 613, 622 and 627, and by enacting a new section 209 and a new chapter 7, to incorporate the Basle Principles of banking supervision into the banking laws of the Federated States of Micronesia, to increase the minimum standards for investment and depositor protection for new banks, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-56 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 11-36, as amended, by amending section 1 to reduce the amount of the appropriation, by amending section 2 thereof to deappropriate and to reallocate certain funds appropriated to the State of Pohnpei, to reallocate certain funds in the Priority State Infrastructure Project Fund, to remove the requirement for determining the use of such funds, to modify the use of certain funds in Yap State projects and needs, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-55 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 8-115, as amended, by amending section 1 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated to the Northwest Islands in the State of Chuuk, by amending section 5 thereof to change the allottee for such funds, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-54 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Laws Nos. 9-095, as amended, by amending section 1 thereof to reallocate certain funds appropriated for primary and secondary schools in the Northwest Islands in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-53 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To amend and restate Public Law No. 12-50 to appropriate an additional sum of $11,559,130, for a total of $37,759,964, from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and contributions; to establish a budget for compact sections 211, 214(b),215(a)(2), 215(b)(2), 216(a)(1), 216(a)(2), 216(a)(3) and 221(b); to establish a capital and human resource development budget and appropriate funds available therefor; and for other purposes. |
PL 12-52 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 9 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sections 105, 108, 301, 302, 303,304, 306, 402, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 509, 604, 707, 803, 805, 809 and 812, and by adding a new section 305, to make changes to the National Election Code, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-51 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending section 704 to permit tax information sharing between the Department of Finance and Administration and the Social Security Administration, and for other purposes. |
PL 12-50 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To appropriate the sum of $26,261,496 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and contributions; to establish a budget for compact sections 211, 214(b), 215(a)(2), 215(b)(2), 216(a)(1), 216(a)(2), 216(a)(3), 216(b), and 221(b); to establish a capital and human resource development budget and appropriate funds available therefore; (CB 12-106 CD4)(SCR 12-97 W&M 7/01/02) |
PL 12-49 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 9 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by enacting a new section 707 to provide for special polling places (CB 12-50 CD1)(SCR 12-95 J&GO 6/30/02) |
PL 12-48 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 12-12, as amended, by further amending sections 2, 3, 13 and 16 to reallocate funds appropriated to the Office of the Public Defender for renovation of the Pohnpei Public Defender Office, to deappropriate funds from the dry-docking of the M.S. Caroline Islands, to appropriate $50,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002 to provide supplemental funding for the operations of the Legislative Branch, to change certain lapse dates (CB 12-119 CD1)(SCR 12-99 W&M 7/01/02) |
PL 12-47 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 10-120, as amended, by amending section 6 thereof to change the allottee of certain funds appropriated to Election District No. 1 in the State of Chuuk (CB 12-110 CD1)(NO SCR - WITHDRAWN W&M 7/01/02) |
PL 12-46 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 11-59, as amended, by amending section 7 to change the allottee of certain funds, to extend the lapse date of certain funds (CB 12-114 CD2)(SCR 12-92 W&M 6/30/02) |
PL 12-45 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 12-12, as amended, by amending section 7 to appropriate $31,508 as supplemental funding for the Office of the National Election Director's Re-registration Drive, to remove the allotment condition placed on $50,000 allocated to the Joint Committee on Compact Economic Negotiations (CB 12-115 CD1)(SCR 12-94 W&M 6/30/02) |
PL 12-44 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 8-100, as amended, by amending section 6 to change the allottee of certain appropriated funds (CB 12-120)(NO SCR - W&M WITHDRAWN 7/01/02) |
PL 12-43 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 6-28, as amended, by amending sections 2 and 4 for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds and changing the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein (CB 12-99 CD1)(SCR 12-88 W&M 6/27/02) |
PL 12-42 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 9-027, as amended, by amending section 5 to change the allottee for certain funds appropriated for Chuuk State Election District No. 1 (CB 12-121)(NO SCR - W&M WITHDRAWN 7/01/02) |
PL 12-41 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 10-143, as amended, by amending section 5 to change the allottee of certain funds appropriated for Chuuk State Election District No. 1 (CB 12-123)(NO SCR - W&M WITHDRAWN 7/01/02) |
PL 12-40 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 9-052, as amended, by amending section 6 to change the allottee of certain funds appropriated for Chuuk State Election District No. 1 (CB 12-122)(NO SCR - W&M WITHDRAWN 7/01/02) |
PL 12-39 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 12 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending section 1201 to remove references to "major" crimes, and by adding a new section 1204 to require regulations implementing joint law enforcement agreements (CB 12-109)(SCR 12-85 J&GO 6/26/02) |
PL 12-38 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending section 503, to increase the salary of the Public Auditor (CB 12-49 CD1 )(SCR 12-98 W&M 7/01/02) |
PL 12-37 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 8-115, as amended, by amending section 5 to change the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated for Chuuk State Election District No. 1 (CB 12-124)(NO SCR - W&M WITHDRAWN 7/01/02) |
PL 12-36 | 6/24/02 - 7/02/02 | To appropriate a sum not to exceed $1,820,164 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, for the purpose of authorizing the lending of $941,164 to the State of Chuuk on certain terms and conditions, of funding projects and programs in the national interest (CB 12-113 CD4)(SCR 12-96 W&M 6/30/02) |
PL 12-35 | 5/13/02 - 6/11/02 | To further amend Public Law No. 12-12, as amended, by amending section 3 to reprogram $70,000 from Travel to Contract Services for use by members of Congress as representation funds, by amending section 13 to change the allocation of certain funds appropriated for Chuuk State Election District No. 2, for Chuuk State Election District No. 3, for Chuuk State Election District No. 4 (CB 12-98 CD3)(SCR 12-79 W&M 5/15/02) |
PL 12-34 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by repealing chaps. 1 through 5 in their entirety; by renumbering chaps. 6 and 7 as chaps. 10 and 11 respectively; and by enacting new chaps. 1 through 9 of subtitle I; to establish the Marine Resources Act of 2002 (CB 12-57 CD3)(SCR 12-57 R&D 1/27/02) |
PL 12-33 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 11-59, as amended, by amending sec. 1 to change the use of certain funds for Kosrae, by amending sec. 3 to change the use of certain funds for Chuuk, by amending sec. 7 to change allottees for certain funds appropriated for Chuuk and Kosrae (CB 12-88 CD2)(SCR 12-64 WM 1/29/02) |
PL 12-32 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 8-115, as amended, by amending sections. 1 and 5 to allow funds appropriated therein to be used for other needs in the State of Chuuk, to change allottee of certain funds (CB 12-93 CD1)(SCR 12-65 WM 1/29/02) |
PL 12-31 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 10-143, as amended, by amending sec. 2 to change the use of Pohnpei Election Dist. No. 1 funds and by amending sec. 5 to change allottees of funds for Election Dist. No. 1 in Chuuk State and for Election Dist. No. 1 in Pohnpei (CB 12-91 CD2)(SCR 12-72 WM 1/30/02) |
PL 12-30 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 9-52, as amended, by amending sec. 1 to change use of Chuuk Election Dist. No. 1 funds, by amending sec. 6 to change allottees of certain funds and to remove a consultation requirement (CB 12-85 CD2)(SCR 12-63 W&M 1/29/02) |
PL 12-29 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 11-27, as amended, by amending sec. 1 to change use of certain Chuuk State funds and by amending sec. 5 to change allottee of funds appropriated for Kosrae State Youth Conference (CB 12-87 CD2)(SCR 12-75 W&M 1/30/02) |
PL 12-28 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 9-27, as amended, by amending sec. 5 to change certain allottees for funds appropriated for Chuuk (CB 12-90 CD1)(SCR 12-70 W&M 1/29/02) |
PL 12-27 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 8-100, as amended, by amending sec. 1 to change the use of Chuuk Election Dist. No. 1 funds, by amending sec. 6 to change the allottee of these funds (CB 12-86)(SCR 12-69 W&M 1/29/02) |
PL 12-26 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 11-54, as amended, by amending sec. 19 to change the allottee for the Faichuk Pharmaceutical and Health Center (CB 12-84 CD1)(SCR 12-62 W&M 1/29/02) |
PL 12-25 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 11-27 by amending sec. 3 to change the use of certain funds appropriated for use within Yap State, by amending sec. 5 to provide an allottee for the new use (CB 12-78 CD2)(SCR 12-68 WM 1/29/02) |
PL 12-24 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 12-12, as amended, by amending sections. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 and 16 to appropriate $943,105 from the General Fund of the FSM for the FY ending Sept. 30, 2002 to provide supplemental funding for the 3rd and 4th quarter housing allowance, the professional premium and 2nd quarter housing allowance for the Legislative Branch, the professional premium for the Judicial Branch, public education and the referendum on the proposed constitutional amendments, and for the Maritime Fisheries Institute; to remove the conditions on financial assistance for students studying at College of the Marshall Islands and Palau Community College; to change the use of the funds previously appropriated for COM-FSM, Chuuk Campus Phase I construction; to re-designate the funding source for communications expenses; to change certain allottees and lapse dates (CB 1-92 CD5)(SCR 12-73 WM 1/30/02) |
PL 12-23 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 11-53, as amended, by amending sec. 8 to clarify the President's authority to set the date of the referendum on the proposed constitutional amendments (CB 12-94 CD1)(WITHDRAWN J&G0 1/30/02) |
PL 12-22 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 10-143, as amended, by amending sec. 2 to change the use of Pohnpei Election Dist. No. 1 funds, by amending sec. 5 to change an allottee for certain funds appropriated for Chuuk State and to remove a consultation requirement (CB 12-72 CD1)(SCR 12-56 WM 1/27/02) |
PL 12-21 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To amend P.L. 12-12, as overridden, by amending sec. 2 to re-designate a funding source for certain telecommunication expenses; by amending sec. 8 to provide supplemental funding for the Constitutional Convention; by amending sections. 10 and 13 to re-appropriate and modify certain items previously vetoed, to change the designated funding source for certain items, and to adjust the amount appropriated to the trust fund "S" account to reflect the actual increase in Compact funding; and by amending sec. 16 to change the allottee for Constitutional Convention funding (CB 12-62 CD3)(SCR 12-54 WM 1/25/02) |
PL 12-20 | 1/21 - 31/02 | To further amend P.L. 10-120, as amended, by amending sec. 1 to change the use of certain Chuuk State funds, by amending sec. 4 to change the use of certain Yap State funds, and by amending sec. 6 to change the allottee and to retroactively extend the lapse date; to further amend P.L. 10-145, as amended, by amending sec. 2 to retroactively extend the lapse date; to amend P.L. 11-36 by amending sec. 3 to remove a consultation requirement and to retroactively extend the lapse date; and to further amend P.L. 11-54, as amended, by amending sec. 19 to retroactively extend the lapse date for certain appropriations which lapsed on Sept. 30, 2001 (CB 12-69 CD4)(SCR 12-53 WM 1/25/02) |
PL 12-19 | 10/9-30/01 | To authorize FSM to borrow approximately $13,017,158 from Asian Dev. Bank and re-lend approximately $9,238,520 to the States for funding private sector dev. programs and projects; to authorize a future appropriation of up to $13,017,158 for repaying the amounts borrowed; to transfer funds presently in the Nat'l Government Employee's Early Retirement Fund to the new External Debt Management Fund created by sec. 667 of title 55 of the FSM Code (CB 12-35 CD1)(R&D 10/28/01 W&M 10/28/01) |
PL 12-18 | 10/9-30/01 | To further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sec. 112 to exempt from gross revenue tax, the sale of fish by foreign or domestic fishing vessels to processing facilities in the FSM and the sale of bait fish to foreign or domestic fishing vessels, to make numerous technical corrections (CB 12-4)(SCR 12-11 R&D 7/14/01) |
PL 12-17 | 10/9-30/01 | To authorize FSM to borrow approximately $8,019,000 from Asian Dev. Bank and re-lend approximately $6,504,169 to the States for funding basic social services projects, to authorize future appropriation of up to $8,019,000 for repaying the amounts borrowed; to further amend title 55 of the Code of the FSM, as amended, by enacting a new subchapter. X to chap. 6 thereof to establish an External Debt Management Fund; to further amend title 52 of the Code of the FSM, as amended, by repealing sec. 508 thereof in its entirety and transferring funds presently in the National Government Employee's Early Retirement Fund to the new External Debt Management Fund (CB 12-39 CD1)(HESA 10/26/01 W&M 10/27/01) |
PL 12-16 | 10/9-30/01 | To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sections. 1202, 1204, 1211, 1213, 1215, 1216 and 1217, for the purpose of establishing an S Account within the FSM Trust Fund to stabilize the transition to renegotiated terms of the Compact, to require that the President transmit to Congress nominations for the Bd. of Trustees of the FSM Trust Fund (CB 12-68 CD2)(SCR 12-39 W&M 10/25/01) |
PL 12-15 | 10/9-30/01 | To further amend P.L. 8-75, as amended, by amending sec. 2 to change use of certain Yap State funds (CB 12-55 CD1)(SCR 12-37 W&M 10/25/01) |
PL 12-14 | 10/9-30/01 | To further amend title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by amending sec. 405 to remove requirement for joint approval of fishing agreements by Committee on Ways & Means between sessions (CB 12-37)(SCR R&D 10/29/01) |
PL 12-13 | 10/9-30/01 | To declare a temporary moratorium on immigration of certain alien workers (CB 12-33 CD2)(SCR 12-31 R&D 10/25/01 J&GO 10/25/01 |
PL 12-12 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To appropriate $37,547,590 from the General Fund of the FSM for FY ending Sept. 30, 2002, for funding operations of all branches of Nat'l Gov't, its agencies, various programs, subsidies, grants and contributions; to estab. a budget for compact secs. 211, 214(b), 215(a)(2), 216(a)(1), 216(a)(2), 216(a)(3), and 221(b); to estab. a dev. budget and appropriate funds available therefore (CB 12-24 CD2)(SCR 12-6, 12-7, 12-8, 12-9, 12-10, W&M 7/15/01) |
PL 12-11 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To further amend P.L. 11-53, as amended by P.L. 11–66, by amending sec. 5 to clarify duties and activities of Pre-Convention Committee; by amending sec. 6 to change definition of quorum; by further amending sec. 8, as amended by P.L. 11-66, to allow Convention to decide date for special referendum; by amending sec. 9 to change the provision for expenses of delegates and staff; and by adding new sec. 10 to establish a Post-Convention Committee and define its duties (CB 12-30 CD1)(SCR 12-15 J&GO 7/15/01) |
PL 12-10 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To appropriate $72,110 from General Fund of the FSM for FY ending Sept. 30, 2002, as a reappropriation of lapsed funds, for public projects and programs in Southern Namoneas, Chuuk (CB 12-18 CD1)(SCR 12-14 W&M 7/14/01) |
PL 12-9 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To further amend P.L. 11-54, as amended by P.L. 11-56, 11-63, 11-67, 11-73 and12-1, by further amending sec. 16, as amended by P.L. 11-63, to clarify a line item description; by further amending sec. 19, as amended by P.L. 11-56, 11-67, 11-73 and 12-1, to make technical corrections to eliminate allottees for projects previously line-item vetoed; and to extend lapse date for several CIP projects (CB 12-29 CD2)(SCR 12-18 W&M 7/15/01) |
PL 12-8 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To further amend P.L. 9-100, as amended, by further amending sec. 5, as amended by P.L. 9-104, 9-137, 9-151, 10-20, 10-44, 10-73, 10-116 and 10-117, to change allottee for Chuuk Election Dist. No. 3 projects (CB 12-31)(SCR 12-12 W&M 7/14/01) |
PL 12-7 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To further amend P.L. 11-59, as amended by P.L. 11-69, 11-79 and 12-4, by further amending sec. 3, as amended by P.L. 11-69, 11-79 and 12-4, to change the use of certain Chuuk State funds; by further amending sec. 4, as amended by P.L. 11-69, to change a use of Yap State funds; and by further amending sec. 7, as amended by P.L. 11-69 and 11-79, to provide an allottee for certain new uses of funds and to extend lapse date for certain funds (CB 12-20 CD2)(SCR 12-16 W&M 7/15/01) |
PL 12-6 | 7/10 - 16/01 | To further amend P.L. 10-120, as amended, by further amending sec. 1, as amended by P.L. 10-122, 10-144, 11-8, 11-20 and 11-32, to modify terms of Educational and Health Trust Fund estab. for Chuuk Election Dist. No. 3 (CB 12-27)(SCR 12-13 W&M 7/14/01) |
3 | 5/11 - 18/01 | To further amend P.L. 10-143, aab P.L. 11-2 and 11-3, by amending sec. 2 to specify use for certain funds appropriated for Pohnpei (CB 12-11)(W&M WD 5/17/01) |
PL 12-4 | 5/11 - 18/01 | To further amend P.L. 11-59, aab P.L. 11-69 and 11-79, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 11-69 and 11-79, to change use of certain funds appropriated for Election Dist. No. 1 in Chuuk State (CB 12-3)(SCR 12-1 W&M 5/16/01) |
PL 12-3 | 5/11 - 18/01 | To further amend P.L. 11-27 aab P.L. 11-39, 11-55, 11-65 and 11-78, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 11-55, 11-65 and 11-78, to change use of certain funds appropriated for Yap State (CB 12-12)(SCR W&M WITHDRAWN 5/17/01) |
PL 12-2 | 5/11 - 18/01 | To further amend P.L. 8-75, by further amending sec. 3, aab P.L. 8-79, 8-116, 8-145, 8-149, 9-4, 9-13, 9-55, 9-65, 9-119, 10-48, 10-77, and 11-31, to change the allottee for certain statewide projects (CB 12-6)(SCR 12-2 W&M 5/16/01) |
PL 12-1 | 5/11 - 18/01 | To further amend P.L. 11-54, aab P.L. 11-56, 11-63, 11-67 and 11-73, by amending secs. 3, 6, 8 and 19, and to appropriate $61,000 from the FSM GF for FY 2001; to provide supplemental funding for the legislative branch and for grants, subsidies and contributions; to reallocate funds for special election and for operations of Office of the Nat'l Election Director; and to make technical corrections (CB 12-8 CD4)(SCR 12-3 J&GO WITHDRAWN 5/17/01) |