18th CFSM Bills

Bill No.Action No/Date VetoSessionDateTitle
CB 18-278CA 18-129/4.17.157th Special SessionApril 13 - 17, 2015To amend Public Law No. 18-117, by amending sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the people in each of the four states, and for other purposes. : [CD.7]
CB 18-2777th Special SessionApril 13 - 17, 2015To amend section 301 of title 3 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as authorized by Public Law No. 18-96, to increase the salaries of the Speaker and Members of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-276CA 18-130/4.17.157th Special SessionApril 13 - 17, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-106 and 18-113, by amending sections 3, 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs for the people of the States of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : [CD.7] W/P
CB 18-275CA 18-127/4.16.157th Special SessionApril 13 - 17, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-78, 18-98 and 18-111, by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs for the people of Chuuk State, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] W/P
CB 18-274CA 18-126/4.16.157th Special SessionApril 13 - 17, 2015To amend sections 402, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408, 409, 420, 422, 423, 424 and 425 of title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as authorized by Public Law No. 18-96, by increasing the percentage of corporate income tax above a certain level to be invested in a FSM venture fund, accelerating redemption payments while eliminating interest payments, providing for a fund management fee, allowing subsequent contributions to the venture fund for an extended three year period, and for other purposes. :[CD.1] SCR No. 18-287 (R&D)
CB 18-2737th Special SessionApril 13 - 17, 2015To further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as authorized by Public Law No. 18-96, by inserting anew section 904, to authorize the Secretary of Finance and Administration to cancel and cease collection of any outstanding tax liabilities for the Chuuk Public Utility Corporation after five years, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2726th Special SessionApril 10 - 13, 2015To appropriate $76,615,687 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, to provide funding for the operation of all branches of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and contributions, capital improvement projects, and other purposes.
CB 18-2716th Special SessionApril 10 - 13, 2015To appropriate the sum of $4,817,563 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, in order to fund the relief operation in the State of Chuuk and State of Yap, to replenish the funds decreed by the President due to the aftermath of Typhoon Maysak, and for other purposes.
CB 18-270CA 18-125/4.16.15VETO - Date: 5.11.156th Special SessionApril 10 - 13, 2015To repeal Public Law No. 16-75, which established a Federated States of Micronesia Unified Revenue Authority, in its entirety, allowing for a three-month transition period, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-285 (W&M) || OVERRIDE 5.15.15 - SCR. 19-01 (W&M)
CB 18-269CA 18-124/4.15.156th Special SessionApril 10 - 13, 2015To appropriate the sum of $1,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding relief efforts in the Nation due to the effects of Typhoon Maysak, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] W/P
CB 18-268CA 18-128/4.17.156th Special SessionApril 10 - 13, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98 and 18-112, by amending section 4 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated for public projects and social programs for the people of Pohnpei State, and for other purposes. : [CD.3] W/P
CB 18-2676th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To appropriate the sum of $55,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding Pohnpei Catholic School, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2666th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-11, as amended by Public Law No. 18-44, by amending section 1 thereof, to change to use of funds previously appropriated therein for the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2656th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To amend title 40 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as authorized by Public Law No. 18-86, by creating a new sub-chapter VIII under chapter 3, to establish a National Scholarship Board, and for other purposes.
CB 18-264CA 18-120/2.4.15VETO - Date: 3.2.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To amend section 1213 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as authorized by Public Law No. 18-96, by adding a new subsection (3), to require the deposit of funds appropriated to the FSM Trust Fund within 30 days from appropriation, and to require the Secretary of Finance and Administration submit proof of deposit within one business day from date of deposit, and for other purposes.  : [CD.1] W/P ||OVERRIDE 4.11.15 - SCR. 18-281 (W&M)
CB 18-263CA 18-122/2.5.15VETO - Date: 3.2.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by inserting a new section 904, to allow the Secretary of Finance and Administration to cancel and cease collection of any outstanding tax liabilities, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] W/P
CB 18-262CA 18-121/2.14.15L.I Veto - Date: 3.3.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To appropriate a supplemental budget of $5,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending sections 1 and 9, of Public Law No. 18-89, as amended by Public Law No. 18-102, to change the use of certain funds, and for other purposes. : [CD.5] SCR No. 18-273 (W&M) || OVERRIDE 4.11.15 - SCR. 18-280 (W&M)
CB 18-2616th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To appropriate additional funding for the FSM Fisheries and Maritime Institute in the amount of $368,550 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending sections 1 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-89, as amended by Public Law No. 18-102, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2606th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to create the Pension Plan for the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, by adding a new chapter 6 thereof, that provides for the guidelines, eligibilities, management and administration of the pension plan, establishes the obligations and benefits arising there from, and the appropriation of public funds to support the pension plan, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2596th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To appropriate a supplemental budget of $6,610,930 from the General Fund of the Federated States for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending sections 1, 2, 8 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-89, as amended by Public Law No. 18-102, and for other purposes.
CB 18-258CA 18-115/1.29.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as amended by Public Law No. 18-98 by amending sections 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds previously appropriated for public projects and social programs for the States of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.3]
CB 18-2576th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend section 805 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 13-21, 13-60, and 15-24, in order to increase the national revenue share of the states up to seventy percent (70%), and for other purposes.
CB 18-2566th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To appropriate a supplemental budget of $620,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending sections 1 and 3 of Public Law No. 18-89, as amended by Public Law No. 18-102 to provide funding for the operations of the legislative branch of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-255CA 18-114/1.29.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63 and 18-94, by amending section 6 thereof, to change the allottee of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.1]
CB 18-254CA 18-113/1.29.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as amended by Public Law No. 18-106, by amending sections 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs for the people of the States of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P 
CB 18-2536th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To amend section 108 of title 4 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 15-14, to increase the salaries of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-252CA 18-112/1.29.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend section 112 of title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law Nos. 11-81 and 13-64, and by inserting a new section 208 to chapter 2 of title 52 F.S.M.C., to provide for a cost-of-living allowance (COLA) for all of the employees of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-2516th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To amend section 209 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2506th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as amended by Public Law No. 18-98, by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated for public projects and social programs for the State of Chuuk and for other purposes.
CB 18-249VETO - Date: 3.2.156th Regular SessionJanuary 23 - February 11, 2015To appropriate the sum of $2,800,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in each of the four states, and for other purposes. : [CD.5] W/P || OVERRIDE 4.11.15 - SCR No. 18-282 (W&M)
CB 18-248CA 18-109/11.28.145th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To amend Public Law No. 18-99, by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs for the people of the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD1] 
CB 18-2475th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To appropriate the sum of $143,295 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding the Education Summit, and for other purposes.
CB 18-246CA 18-107/11.27.145th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03, 16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40, 18-17 and 18-67, by amending section 1 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein for the State of Yap, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-245CA 18-108/11.27.145th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72 and 18-82, by amending section 4 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, for public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-244CA 18-118/2.2.15VETO - Date: 2.26.145th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To further amend section 809 of title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 14-37, 14-86, 15-73 and 16-10, to modify the payment of benefits to foreign citizens outside the Federated States of Micronesia, to give an additional option of fully vesting in the Social Security Administration program for retirement benefits after 100 quarters (25 years), and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-2435th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To amend section 122 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-86, for the purpose of banning all fishing within twelve miles of the Twelve Mile Zone within state jurisdiction, and for other purposes.
CB 18-242CA 18-105/11.26.145th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of providing emergency support to defray humanitarian assistance costs of the emergent humanitarian situation in Yap State, and for other purposes. : [CD1] SCR No. 18-254 (W&M)
CB 18-2415th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77, 17-86, 18-21, 18-29 and 18-64, by amending section 4 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes
CB 18-2405th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To amend sections 1121 and 1124 of title 11 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by adding new designated substances to sections as required under the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances; and for other purposes.
CB 18-2395th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To appropriate the supplemental budget in the amount of $39,649,059 for the operation of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending certain sections 1, 2, 8, and 9 of Public Law No. 18-89, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2385th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To further amend title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 4 in order to establish the 2023 Investment Development Fund, to provide for its purpose and objective, its management and administration, and guidelines for access, to set forth the eligibility criteria, the review process and the parameters of the fund, and to establish investment monitoring and procedures for disbursement of funds, and for other purposes.
CB 18-237CA 18-106/11.26.145th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To amend sections 312, 313, 314, 322, 331, 352 and 360 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-71, and as amended by Public Law Nos. 14-110, 16-19, 16-52 and 17-73, to include Major FSM Branches, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-246 (W&M)
CB 18-2365th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To further amend sections 603 and 804 of title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-76, 14-37, 14-86, 15-73 and 16-10, to reinstate the Social Security retirement benefits received by an individual age 60 to one-hundred percent (100%), and cease the implementation of the Social Security retirement benefits of fifty percent (50%) for individuals between the ages of 60 and 64, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2355th Special SessionNovember 17 - 26, 2014To appropriate the sum of $22,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding the FSM Social Security Program and the FSM Trust Fund, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2345th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 4 in order to establish the 2023 Investment Development Fund, to provide for its purpose and objective, its management and administration, and guidelines for access, to set forth the eligibility criteria, the review process and the parameters of the fund, and to establish investment monitoring and procedures for disbursement of funds, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2335th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend section 122 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-86, for the purpose of banning all purse seine vessels and purse seine vessel owners from fishing beyond the Twelve Mile Zone, and for other purposes.
CB 18-232CA 18-110/11.29.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $550,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending section 9 of Public Law No. 18-89, to fund the renovation of the Washington D.C. embassy building, to correct technical errors, and for other purposes. : [CD8] SCR No. 18-249 (W&M)
CB 18-2315th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend sections 312, 313, 314, 322, 331 and 352 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-71, and as amended by Public Law Nos. 14-110, 16-19, 16-52 and 17-73, to include Major FSM Branches, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2305th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $608,654 for the Project Management Unit (PMU) for six months of operation from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending sections 1 and 2 of Public Law No. 18-89, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2295th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To repeal Public Law No. 16-75 in its entirety, which established a Federated States of Micronesia Unified Revenue Authority, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2285th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $600,000 from General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, to provide funding for the operation of the Project Management Unit, and for other purposes.
CB 18-227CA 18-101/9.30.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate $550,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for AIP Matching Fund for the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD1]
CB 18-226CA 18-100/9.30.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend section 13 of Public Law No. 18-15,to extend the lapse date for appropriated funds in FY 14 for the PMU Operations under Section 2 (5), and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-225CA 18-104/9.30.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03, 18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 18-46, 18-58 and 18-87, by amending section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs for the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-2245th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend title 22 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by repealing chapter 4 in its entity, and by creating a new chapter 4, to prevent animal and plant pests and diseases from entering the Federated States of Micronesia, to regulate the movement of animals and plants and their products, to control the establishment and spread of animal and plant pests and diseases that enter the Federated States of Micronesia, to facilitate international cooperation in respect of animal and plant diseases, and for other purposes.
CB 18-223CA 18-103/9.30.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61 and 18-63, by amending section 4 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs for the people of the State Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD1]
CB 18-2225th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-58, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-64, 16-72, 17-08, 17-11, 17-20, 17-35, 17-41 and 18-77, by amending section 4 thereof, to modify the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2215th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend section 4 of Public Law No. 16-49, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10, 17-82, 17-85, 18-28, 18-45 and 18-59, to modify the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-220CA 18-99/9.29.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate the sum of $5,421,600 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of infrastructure improvements in the States of Chuuk and Kosrae, and for other purposes. : [CD2] SCR No. 18-224 (W&M)
CB 18-2195th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend sections 210 and 211 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to modify the definition of foreign financial assistance, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2185th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend title 38 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 5 to regulate the importation of skiffs, and for other purposes.
CB 18-217CA 18-95/9.25.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31 and 18-38, by amending section 5 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD2]
CB 18-216CA 18-92/9.23.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate $54,103,500 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, to provide funding for the operations of all branches of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and contributions and Capital and Human Resources Development, and for other purposes. : [CD.5] SCR No. 18-209 (W&M)
CB 18-2155th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend section 708 of title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to clarify that the 60 day period for the FSM Social Security Board to serve a final order of its decision to an aggrieved person is at the time of mailing the final order, and for other purposes.
CB 18-214CA 18-94/9.23.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend section 12 of Public Law No. 18-15, to lift the restriction on reprogramming by the President of the Federated States of Micronesia of certain public funds appropriated to support the operations of the executive branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014 and for other purposes. :[CD.2] SCR No. 18-211 (W&M)
CB 18-2135th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $1,334,855 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending section 1 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41, 18-54, 18-62 and 18-75, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2125th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia by creating a new title 13 thereof, for the purpose of establishing a Register of Financial Interests for public officials and candidates for public office, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2115th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41, 18-54, 18-62, 18-75 and 18-76, by amending section 13 thereof, to change the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-210CA 18-93/9.23.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend Public Law No. 18-70 by amending sections 3, 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds previously appropriated for public projects and social programs in the States of Kosrae and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : [ CD.4] ||OVERRIDE 11.19.14 - SCR No, 18-243 (W&M)
CB 18-209CA 18-102/9.30.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend chapter 2 of title 1 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new subchapter III on the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), and for other purposes. : [CD1] SCR No. 18-226 (J&GO)
CB 18-2085th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend section 402 of title 9 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 14-76, to allow for same day voting registration, and by inserting a new section 607, to allow for early voting by citizens who reside in a location without a polling place, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2075th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by repealing sections 671 through 674 of chapter 6 in their entirety to eliminate the Maritime Surveillance Revolving Fund, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2065th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 4 in order to establish the 2023 Investment Development Fund, to provide for its purpose and objective, its management and administration, and guidelines for access, to set forth the eligibility criteria, the review process and the parameters of the fund, and to establish investment monitoring and procedures for disbursement of funds, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2055th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend section 122 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-86, for the purpose of banning all purse seine vessels and purse seine vessel owners from fishing beyond the Twelve Mile Zone, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2045th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend section 104 of title 3 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 13-79, to add a Government Accountability Office to Congress, and creating a new chapter 8 concerning the rights, powers, and authority of the Government Accountability Office, and for other purposes.
CB 18-2035th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To further amend chapter 10 of title 41 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by inserting new sections 1006B, 1006C, and 1006D, order to set certain terms and conditions governing the importation of food to the Federated States of Micronesia for the protection of public health, and for other purposes.
CB 18-202CA 18-98/9.29.14VETO - Date: 10.27.145th Regular SessionSeptember 15 - October 4, 2014To amend section 213 of title 1 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to require the President, where Congress has overridden a presidential veto, to sign and date all Congressional Acts and assign a public law number thereto within two working days from receipt of the transmittal of the Congressional Act from Congress; to require the President, in the instance of a line-item veto, to assign a different number from the previous public law, and for other purposes.  : SCR No. 18-223 (J&GO) || OVERRIDE 11.18.14 - SCR No. 18-242 (J&GO)
CB 18-2014th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To amend section 228 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to require any revision or addition of Project Control Documents to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act set forth in title 17 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, to offer a technical amendment, and for other purposes.
CB 18-200CA 18-89/7.12.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03, 18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 
CB 18-199CA 18-91/7.12.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $[315,000] 587,101 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, 2 and 3 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41, 18-54 and 18-62, and for other purposes. : [CD3]
CB 18-198CA 18-90/7.12.14VETO - Date: 7.25.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend section 112 of title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law Nos. 11-81 and 13-64, and by inserting a new section 208 to chapter 2 of title 52 F.S.M.C., to provide for a tax-exempt cost-of-living allowance (COLA) for employees covered by the National Public Service System Act whose earnings from national government employment are $15,000 or less per annum, and for other purposes. : [CD.1]
CB 18-197CA 18-88/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend PL. No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41, 18-54 and 18-62, by amending sections 8 and 9 to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated, and for other purposes.  : [CD.1]
CB 18-1964th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, and 18-72, by amending section 4 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1954th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-58, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-64, 16-72, 17-08, 17-11, 17-20, 17-35 and 17-41, by amending section 4 thereof, to modify the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-194CA 18-79/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61 and 18-63, by amending sections 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs for the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-193CA 18-80/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-62, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, 17-29, 17-47, 18-23, 18-33 and 18-50, by amending section 6 thereof, to change the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-192CA 18-81/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-18, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67, 17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39, 17-65, 18-27 and 18-47, by amending section 2 thereof, to change allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. : [CD.1]
CB 18-191CA 18-82/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To amend Public Law No. 18-11, as amended by Public Law No 18-44, by amending section 2 thereof, to change to lapse date of funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1904th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38 and 18-72, by amending sections 2, 4 and 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.  : [CD.1]
CB 18-189CA 18-84/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77, 17-86, 18-21, 18-29 and 18-64, by amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-188CA 18-85/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-36, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78, 17-87, 18-36, 18-60 and 18-65, by amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to offer a technical amendment, and for other purposes.
CB 18-187CA 18-86/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03, 16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40, 18-17 and 18-67, by amending section 2 thereof, for the purpose of changing the allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1864th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-18, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67, 17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39, 17-65, 18-27 and 18-47, by amending section 2 thereof, to change the allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-185CA 18-87/7.10.144th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-49, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10, 17-23, 17-30, 17-32, 17-45, 17-82, 17-85, 18-28, 18-45 and 18-59, by amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1844th Special SessionJuly 7 - 12, 2014To create a new subtitle II of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to establish the National Seabed Resources Authority of the Federated States of Micronesia, provide for the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Authority, set out the standards of sustainable management of seabed resources, require the promulgation of regulation governing permits and licenses relevant to marine scientific research, prospecting, exploration and mining activities, prescribe the penalty for violation of this Act, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1834th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend section 805 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-68, 13-21, 13-60, and 15-24 to increase the States share of certain taxes collected, to designate a portion of taxes collected to scholarship and youth activities, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1824th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate $260,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of supporting the efforts of the 8th Micronesian Games Organizing Committee, by amending Public Law No. 18-55, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1814th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $7,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41 and 18-54, and for other purposes.
CB 18-180CA 18-97/9.29.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by enacting a new chapter 16 thereof, for the purpose of establishing the Pohnpei State Commission on Improvement Projects, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-202 (W&M) || OVERRIDE 11.19.14 - SCR No. 18-241 (J&GO)
CB 18-1794th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia by amending sections 201 and 202 thereof, as amended by Public Law No. 12-75, and by repealing chapter 3 consisting of sections 301 through 320 in their entirety, in order to effect transfer of funds remaining in the Investment Development fund, with private-sector funds being transferred to the capital account f the FSM Development Bank and State earmarked subaccount funds being distributed to each respective State, and with concurrent assignment of loan security documentation, collection and enforcement rights thereof, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1784th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To amend sections 210 and 211 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to modify the definitions of Foreign Assistance Funds and Program Funds, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1774th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To propose an amendment to section 1 of Article XIV of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the purpose of lowering the vote required to ratify a constitutional amendment, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1764th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $660,641 for fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, 2, 8 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41 and 18-54, for other purposes.
CB 18-1754th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend section 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-41 and 18-54, and for other purposes.
CB 18-174CA 18-72/5.27.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03, 18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 18-46 and 18-58 by amending section 3 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-173CA 18-71/5.27.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31 and 18-38, by amending section 2 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-172CA 18-96/9.26.14VETO - Date: 10.27.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate the sum of $1,200,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of improving infrastructure facilities in the States of Kosrae, Chuuk, Pohnpei and Yap and as Infrastructure Matching Fund, for other purposes. : W/P [CD.4] || OVERRIDE 11.19.14 - SCR No. 18-244(W&M)
CB 18-1714th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend sections 401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 408 and 409 of title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-77 and 14-49 and adding a new section 411, to realign the name of the Plan, clarify the role of the Administrator, improve and expand the services of MiCare, expressly provide for legal counsel and jurisdiction over claims, and for other purposes.
CB 18-170CA 18-76/5.31.14L.I Veto - Date: 7.1.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate the sum of $5,100,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the States of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes.  : W/P [CD.1] OVERRIDE 7.10.14
CB 18-169CA -18-69/5.20.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 15-80, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-04, 17-53 and 18-37, by amending section 1 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein for public projects and social programs in the State of Yap, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-168CA 18-64/5.20.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03, 16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40 and 18-17, by amending section 1 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein for the State of Yap, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1674th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To amend further section 934 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law 17-50 and amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-83, 18-06, 18-16 and 18-51, to extend the deadline set for the implementation of the tax reform, and for other purposes.
CB 18-166CA 18-66/5.20.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $210,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1 and 3 and of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26, 18-41 and 18-54, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.1]
CB 18-1654th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To amend sections 312, 313, 314, 322, 331 and 352 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-71, and as amended by Public Law Nos. 14-110, 16-19, 16-52, 17-73, to expand the definition of Major Corporations to include qualified Foreign Corporations with registered branches in the FSM, as well as Domestic Corporations, and for other purposes.
CB 18-164CA 18-75/5.28.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend title 21 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by adding a new section 392 to specify the effective date of chapter 3 created by Public Law No. 18-52, the FSM Telecommunication Act of 2014, to be May 12,2015, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-163CA 18-65/5.20.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49 and 18-61, by amending sections 3 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs for the States of Kosrae and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.2]
CB 18-162CA 18-73/5.28.14VETO - Date: 7.1.144th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To further amend sections 1202, 1208 and 1217 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 10-150 and amended by Public Law No. 12-16, for the purposes of placing one member of each government on the Board of Trustees, establishing State sub-accounts in the FSM Trust Fund, and for other purposes.: : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-147 (W&M) OVERRIDE 7. 7.10.14
CB 18-1614th Regular SessionMay 12 - 31, 2014To appropriate $72,010,523 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, to provide funding for the operation of all branches of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and contributions and Capital and Human Resources Development Projects, and other purposes.
CB 18-1603rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $20,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, and 3 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Law No. 18-26 and 18-41, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1593rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $447,486 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, 8 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-26 and 18-41, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1583rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To establish the Joint Committee on Compact Review and Planning and its Secretariat for the purpose of coordinating the Nation’s preparation efforts towards effective and smooth post Compact government upon expiration of the Compact in 2023, and for other purposes.
CB 18-157CA 18-60/4.02.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To amend Public Law No. 18-42, by amending section 1 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund the airport terminal facilities improvement in the States of Kosrae, Chuuk, Yap and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.1]
CB 18-156CA 18-59/4.02.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03, 18-10, 18-13, 18-32 and 18-46, by amending sections 4 and 6 therein, for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1553rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend section 605 of title 9 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 14-98 and 15-02, for the purpose of establishing Maui, Hawaii and Portland, Oregon, as additional Special Polling Places, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1543rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as amended by Public Law No. 18-49, by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1533rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To repeal section 934 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 17-50 and amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-83, 18-06 and 18-16 in its entirety, to repeal the deadline set for the implementation of the tax reform, and for other purposes.
CB 18-152CA 18-77/5.31.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend sections 1003 and 1015 of title 37 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 14-88 and as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-34 and 16-17, and inserting new sections 1017, 1018, 1019, and 1020 to clarify and establish a revolving fund for the fees and premium tax revenues collected thereunder for such purposes and functions stated therein, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-164 (R&D)
CB 18-1513rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To amend section 203 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 15-09 and 15-74, and to amend sections 102, 105, 106, 110, 201, 205 and 211 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 11-57, 12-34 and 15-38, repealing sections 206, 402, 403 and 504 in their entirety, for the purposes of creating the Fishing Authority Division of the Department of Resources and Development, to eliminate NORMA, and transfer all activities of NORMA to the Fishing Authority Division, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1503rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend section 203 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 15-09 and 15-74, to create Regional Offices in each State for the Project Management Unit for the Compact Infrastructure Grants, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1493rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend section 204 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 13-75 and 15-09, to create a National Bureau of Immigration and Customs in the National Government Executive Branch, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1483rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend section 4 of Public Law No. 17-36, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78 and 17-87, to change the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-147CA 18-62/4.02.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend section 4 of Public Law No. 16-49, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10 and 17-82, to modify the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the states of Yap and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.1]
CB 18-1463rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To amend title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, by further amending section 203, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 15-09 and 15-74, and by further amending section 204, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 13-75 and 15-09, for the purpose of transferring the Budget Office to the Department of Finance and Administration and transferring the function of economic planning to the Department of Resources and Development, and for other purposes.
CB 18-145CA 18-56/4.01.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend sections 203, 205, 208 and 228 of title 21 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 11-26 and 17-03, and creating a new chapter 3, to create a body called the Federated States of Micronesia Telecommunication Regulation Authority (the “Authority”), setting for the powers, duties and prerogatives of the Authority in establishing the standards and guidelines in enhancing access to and affordability of telecommunication services in the Federated States of Micronesia, using the principles of liberalization, free and open competition, and customer-oriented approach, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-131 (T&C)
CB 18-1443rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To amend section 209 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-143CA 18-54/3.31.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend sections 303 and 306 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 13-93, 18-12, and 18-25, to modify the division formula for Compact funds, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-128 (W&M)
CB 18-1423rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To propose an amendment to section 7 of article IX of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the purpose of empowering Congress to impeach any official of the National Government appointed to office by the President of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-141CA 18-55/3.31.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To amend further section 934 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law 17-50 and amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-83, 18-06 and 18-16, to extend the deadline set for the implementation of the tax reform, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-130 (W&M)
CB 18-1403rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To amend section 108 of title 4 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 15-14, to increase the salaries of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1393rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To propose an amendment to article XIII of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, by adding a new section 8 for the purpose of providing for full faith and credit among the States, and for other purposes.
CB 18-138CA 18-68/5.20.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-36, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78, 17-87 and 18-36, by amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1373rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-23, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-29, 17-37, 17-44 and 17-46, by amending section 2 thereof, for the purpose of changing the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein for public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-136CA 18-67/5.20.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77, 17-86, 18-21 and 18-29, by amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P 
CB 18-135CA 18-57/3.31.143rd Special SessionMarch 24 - April 02, 2014To appropriate the sum of $300,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of providing funding for the athletes from the four States to participate in the 2014 Micronesian Games, and for other purposes. : [CD.2] SCR No. 18-134 (W&M)
CB 18-134CA 18-119/2.5.153rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To amend sections 102 and 913 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 12-34, to prohibit the targeting of sharks, by adding the definitions of “Shark” and “Shark Fin”, and for other purpose. : [CD.2] SCR No. 18-275 (R&D)
CB 18-133CA 18-52/1.31.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 12-50, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-53, 12-74, 13-1, 13-15, 13-17, 14-65, 14-71, 14-94, 15-15, 
CB 18-1323rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To propose amendments to the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the purpose of guaranteeing the representation of women in Congress by creating additional at-large seats in Congress reserved for women, and for other purposes.
CB 18-131CA 18-53/1.31.14VETO - Date: 2.19.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of paying the Honorable Bethwel Henry’s services to the Nation, as a token of appreciation, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1303rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To appropriate the sum of $16,168 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, in payment of the outstanding financial obligations of the Department of Justice from past fiscal years, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1293rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend sections 1003 and 1015 of title 37 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 14-88 and amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-34 and 16-17 and creating new sections 1017, 1018, 1019 and 1020 to clarify and establish a revolving fund for the fees and premium tax revenues collected thereunder for such purposes and functions stated therein; and for other purposes.
CB 18-128CA 18-47/1.30.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-49, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10, 17-23, 17-30, 17-32, 17-45, 17-82, 17-85 and 18-28, by amending section 5 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-127CA 18-46/1.30.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To amend Public Law No. 18-35, by amending sections 2,3,4,5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the States of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1263rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To appropriate the sum of $2,300,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of building and repaving circumferential roads in the States of Kosrae and Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1253rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend section 207 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 11-40, 13-77, 15-23, 16-61 and 17-02, for the purpose of allowing the Vice President to serve as the Secretary or Director of an Executive Department or Office, with some exceptions, and for other purposes.
CB 18-124CA 18-51/1.31.3rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To appropriate a supplemental budget of $12,430,305 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, 2, 8 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, as amended by Public Law No. 18-26, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-123CA 18-48/1.30.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 16-62, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, 17-29, 17-47, 18-23, and 18-33, by amending section 4 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-122CA 18-49/1.30.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03, 18-10, 18-13, and 18-32, by amending section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-121CA 18-50/1.30.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend section 1 of Public Law No. 16-18, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67, 17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39 and 17-65, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriate therein to fund public project and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1203rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend sections 903 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended Public Laws Nos. 13-61 and 14-83, to extend the date to provide for the waiver of penalties and interest on delinquent taxes paid, and for other purposes.
CB 18-119CA 18-43/1.29.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend sections 403, 407, 421, 423 and 425 of title 30 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 15-29, by increasing and setting a ceiling for corporate income tax to be invested in a FSM venture funds, decrease percentages of income tax invested into a FSM venture fund, change the duration and the expiration date of both new investments and new venture funds, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-110 [R&D]
CB 18-1183rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend section 204 title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 13-75, and 15-09, to create an Office of Gender Affairs in the National Government Executive Branch, and for other purposes.
CB 18-117CA 18-45/1.30.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To appropriate the sum of $250,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of improving airport terminal facilities in the States of Kosrae and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-116CA 18-41/1.22.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14 and 18-31, by amending sections 3, 4 and 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the States of Yap and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-115CA 18-117/2.3.15VETO - Date: 3.2.153rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend section 112 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-93, 10-149, 12-18, 14-40 and 14-90, to permit certain deductions for purposes of the Gross Revenue, and for other purposes. : W/P || OVERRIDE 4.11.15 - SCR. 18-283 (W&M)
CB 18-1143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 17-36, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78 and 17-87, by amending sections 5 and 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1133rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To amend section 383 of title 40 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 16-37, to include dormitory and textbook expenses in the Merit Scholarship award, and for other purposes.
CB 18-112CA 18-37/1.17.143rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To further amend Public Law No. 15-80, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-04 and 17-53, by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein for public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. :W/P [CD1]
CB 18-1113rd Regular SessionJanuary 10 - 29, 2014To amend section 210 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to restrict the need for Congress approval to grants above $100,000, to give committees of Congress the power to approve foreign grants, and for other purposes.
CB 18-1102nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To amend section 203 of title 21 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of opening up competition for all telecommunication services, internet services, cellular services and radio and television broadcasting within the Federated States of Micronesia and between points in the Federated States of Micronesia and points outside thereof, and for other purposes.
CB 18-109CA 18-35/12.05.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 16-62, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, 17-29, 17-47 and 18-23, by amending section 4 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P ]CD.2]
CB 18-1082nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013Imposing a moratorium on issuing fishing licenses under title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2014, and for other purposes.
CB 18-107CA 18-74/5.28.142nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To amend section 801 of title 41 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, to ban smoking within 150 feet, of all facilities owned or leased by the National Government, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-148 (H&SA)
CB 18-106CA 18-32/12.04.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To appropriate a supplemental budget of $1,856,752 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, 3, and 8 of Public Law No. 18-15, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.4]
CB 18-1052nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend section 204 of title 7 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 15-28, in order to allow for citizenship through naturalization to FSM nationals, spouses and children of FSM citizens with the recommendation of Congress through bill, and for other purposes.
CB 18-104CA 18-27/12.03.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 16-49, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10, 17-23, 17-30, 17-32, 17-45, 17-82 and 17-85, by amending sections 5 and 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.2]
CB 18-103CA 18-28/12.03.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77, 17-86 and 18-21, by amending section 4 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the States of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.1]
CB 18-1022nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To appropriate the sum of $10,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, to purchase a new field trip ship, and for other purposes.
CB 18-101CA 18-26/12.03.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 16-18, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67, 17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39 and 17-65, by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof, to change the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-1002nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To appropriate a supplemental budget of $11,450,024 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the operation of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1, 2, 8 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, and for other purposes.
CB 18-992nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To amend section 1006 of title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, in order to provide greater diversity in investments for the Federated States of Micronesia Social Security Retirement Fund by allowing investments denominated or to be paid in currencies other than the United States dollars, and for other purposes.
CB 18-98CA 18-34/12.5.13VETO - Date: 1.03.142nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To appropriate the sum of $4,900,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the States of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.10] || OVERRIDE 1.13.14 SCR No. 18-102 [W&M]
CB 18-97CA 18-29/12.03.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 12-50, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-53, 12-74, 13-1, 13-17, 14-65, 14-71, 14-94, 15-15, 15-50 and 17-24, by amending section 13 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-962nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend section 204 of title 7 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 15-28, in order to repeal citizenship through naturalization for spouses of FSM citizens, and for other purposes.
CB 18-952nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend sections 102 and 301 title 37 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 
CB 18-94CA 18-33/12.05.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81,17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03, 18-10 and 18-13, by amending section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the States of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-932nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To convert unpaid balances of prior loans from the Federated States of Micronesia to the National Fisheries Corporation funded, pursuant to Public Law No. 6-69 and Public Law No. 9-78, into grants for the purposes for which such loans were provided, and for other purposes.
CB 18-922nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To create a new chapter 3 of title 27 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of creating the Federated States
of Micronesia Cable Corporation as a public corporation, and for other purposes.
CB 18-91CA 18-36/1.17.142nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 17-36, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78 and 17-87, by amending sections 4 and 6 therein, for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. :W/P
CB 18-902nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend section 203 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-55, 15-09, and 15-74, to create an Office of Veterans’ Affairs within the Department of Health and Social Affairs at the Federated States of Micronesia National Government, and for other purposes.
CB 18-892nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend sections 201 and 202 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-34 and 15-38, to grant the Governor of each State the authority to appoint State representatives on the Board of Directors of the National Oceanic Resource Management Authority with the advice and consent of the respective State legislature, to grant the Governor of each State the authority to declare a vacancy or termination on the Board of Directors of NORMA of a member representing the State, and to clarify that the term of office of a member representing the State commences by the advice and consent of the respective State legislature; and for other purposes.
CB 18-88CA 18-25/12.02.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To appropriate the sum of $101,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of humanitarian relief efforts for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.2]
CB 18-87CA 18-31/12.04.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07 and 18-14, by amending section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the use of funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-86CA 18-30/12.04.132nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To further amend sections 303 and 306 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 13-72 and amended by Public Law No. 13-93 and 18-12, to modify the division formula for Compact funds, and for other purposes.: : [CD1] SCR No. 18-69 (W&M)
CB 18-852nd Special SessionNovember 25 - December 04, 2013To appropriate a supplemental budget of $200,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, and for other purposes.
CB 18-84CA 18-23/10.01.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, and for other purposes.
CB 18-832nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013ending September 30, 2014, by amending sections 1 and 9 of Public Law No. 18-15, and for other purposes.
CB 18-81CA 18-22/10.01.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 17-64, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-69, 17-72, 17-74, 17-88 17-69, 17-72, 18-01 and 18-04, by amending section 9 of thereof to change the use of funds as previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. : W/P 
CB 18-80CA 18-18/9.27.13L.I. VETO - Date: 9.30.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To appropriate $44,621,010 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, to
CB 18-79CA 18-40/1.20.142nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new subchapter XVIV under chapter 6 to establish a revolving fund in order to fund maintenance projects that improve the services of the National Postal Service National of the Federated States of Micronesia throughout the Nation, and for other purposes. : [CD.2] SCR No. 18-68 & SCR No. 18-104 [W&M]
CB 18-78CA 18-44/1.30.142nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend section 104 of title 11 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 11-72 and 11-76, and create a new subchapter III under chapter 6 to require the registration of deportees convicted of crimes in foreign countries, to provide penalties for failure to register, and in order to bring within definition of national crime the failure to register as a deportee, and for other purposes. : [CD.3] SCR No. 18-106 (J&GO)
CB 18-772nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend sections 202, 203, 205, 208, 210 and 228 of title 21 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public
CB 18-762nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 16-18, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67, 17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39 and 17-65, by amending section 1 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-75CA 18-21/9.30.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77 and 17-86, by amending section 4 thereof,
CB 18-742nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To repeal section 934 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law 17-50 and amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-83 and 18-06, to remove the deadline set for the implementation of the tax reform, and for other purposes.
CB 18-73CA 18-42/1.29.142nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend Public Law No. 18-11, by amending section 1 and 2 thereof, to change to use and the allottee of funds previously appropriated therein for the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-107 (W&M)
CB 18-72CA 18-24/11.27.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 25 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new Chapter 8 under subsection II, to implement certain provisions of the FSM’s Nationwide Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Policy, and for other purposes. :W/P [CD.3]
CB 18-71CA 18-16/9.20.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 14-84, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 14-96, 14-103, 14-08, 15-13, 15-37, 15-42, 15-53, 16-8, 16-44, 17-17 and 17-61, by amending section 9 thereof, to change the allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.1]
CB 18-70CA 18-15/9.20.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03, 16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33 and 17-40, by amending section 2 thereof, for the purpose of changing the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.2]
CB 18-692nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend section 509 of title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-62, 10-118, 10-151, 11-41, 11-52, 13-43 and 14-73, to permit overtime compensation for personnel within the Legislative Branch while Congress is in session.
CB 18-68CA 18-19/9.27.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 11 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 14 to criminalize shining laser pointers at aircraft, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR 18-40 
CB 18-67CA 18-116/1.31.152nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend section 603 title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 12-34 in order to clarify the powers of national officers authorized to board vessels that are used in fishing and related activities, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-248 (J&GO)
CB 18-662nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To propose the repeal of section 3 of Article III of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the purpose of enabling citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia to retain or obtain citizenship of another state without being required to relinquish citizenship of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-65CA 18-70/5.27.142nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To repeal section 201 through 215 of title 22 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 11-26, in their entirety and inserting new sections 201 through 212 in lieu thereof, in order to dissolve the Federated States of Micronesia Coconut Development Authority, and repose the responsibility for coconut development in the Federated States of Micronesia Petroleum Corporation, and for other purposes. : SCR No.18-146 (R&D)
CB 18-64CA 18-14/9.17.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Law No. 18-07, by amending sections 2, 3 and 5 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the States of Kosrae, Yap and Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.4]
CB 18-63CA 18-17/9.26.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend sections 1001, 1002 and 1007 of title 37 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-34 and 16-17, by including a definition for Class IV captive insurance companies, and for other purposes. : [CD 2] SCR No. 18-38 (R&D)
CB 18-622nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To propose an amendment to Article I of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia by adding a new section 5, for the purpose of allowing a state to secede from the Federation, and for other purposes.
CB 18-61CA 18-38/1.17.14VETO - Date: 1.30.142nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend section 208 of title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, for the purpose of compensating an employee who serves in an “acting” capacity in a position vacated pending appointment for more than ninety days shall be entitled to that position’s compensation, in which the entitlement shall be retroactive to the day actingship began, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-67 (J&GO) & SCR No. 18-103 [W&M] . OVERRIDE 3.28.14 SCR No. 18-127 [J&GO]
CB 18-60CA 18-13/9.17.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03 and 18-10, by amending section 5 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes. : W/P [CD.2]
CB 18-59CA 18-12/9.14.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend sections 303 and 306 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 13-93, to modify the division formula for Compact funds, and for other purposes. : [CD.2] SCR No. 18-30[W&M] 
CB 18-58DEFEATED/9.27.132nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To dissolve the National Fisheries Corporation, to establish a Liquidation Management Committee to receive all assets and liabilities of the dissolved corporation for the purpose of liquidating corporate assets and the settlement of liabilities, and for other purposes. : W/P 
CB 18-572nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 36 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by inserting a new section 106A to require certain profit corporations to file their audited financial statement with the Office of the Registrar of Corporation, and for other purposes.
CB 18-56CA 18-39/1.17.14VETO - Date: 2.21.142nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend sections 1202, 1208 and 1217 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 12-16, for the purposes of placing one member of each government on the Board of Trustees, establishing State sub-accounts in the FSM Trust Fund, and for other purposes. : W/P [ CD.2] SCR No. 18-105[W&M]
CB 18-552nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To propose an amendment to section 1 of Article XIV of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the purpose of lowering the vote required to ratify a constitutional amendment, and for other purposes.
CB 18-542nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To appropriate the sum of $2,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year 2014, to fund the hiring of a law firm to investigate and arbitrate management issues with the Compact grants, and for other purposes.
CB 18-532nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by adding a new section 1302 to require the Department of Finance and Administration to issue all outstanding balances on public projects to allottees before the end of the fiscal year, and for other purposes.
CB 18-522nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend section 404 of title 9 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, for the purpose of allowing the FSM Consulate Offices and Embassies to register new FSM eligible voters residing outside the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-512nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 3 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 8 to require responses to resolutions of Congress addressed to a specific department or office of the National Government, and for other purposes.
CB 18-502nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by inserting a new section 1302 under chapter 13, to establish a formula for distributing funds for public projects based upon per capita tax revenue collected.
CB 18-492nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by inserting a new section 512 to provide a step increase for long-term National Public Service System employees, and for other purposes.
CB 18-482nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To establish a special account that shall hold the Set Aside Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-472nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To appropriate $63,630,666 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, to provide funding for the operations of all branches of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and contributions and Capital and Human Resources Development, and for other purposes.
CB 18-462nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend sections 122 and 131 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating an exemption from the wages and salaries tax for the first $5,000 of an employee’s total wages and salaries for a calendar year, and for other purposes.
CB 18-452nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend section 201 of title 3 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 13-59, to establish a regular November Session of Congress, and for other purposes.
CB 18-442nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend sections 201 and 1109 of title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-34 and 15-38, to change the membership on the Board of Directors of NORMA and the Board of Directors of the National Fisheries Corporation; and for other purposes.
CB 18-432nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To prohibit the manufacture, sale, purchase, use, or possession of lasers, and for other purposes.
CB 18-422nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend chapter 7 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as enacted by Public Law No. 16-75, by adding a new section 703 concerning the definition of a revenue law, by amending sections 702, 735, 751, 756, and 758, and for other purposes.
CB 18-412nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend section 102 title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 11-57 and 12-34, by changing the definition of “fishing” to expressly include transshipment activities, and for other purposes.
CB 18-402nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 5 to establish the Net Profit Tax Act of 2013, and for other purposes.
CB 18-392nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To further amend chapter 2 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesian, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-10, 10-136, 10-149, 11-43, 11-70, 11-82, 13-60, and 15-58, by amending sections 211, 212, 222,231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 241, 242, 249, 250, 253, 254, 256, 258, 267 and 269 thereof, repealing sections 221, 241, 257, 261, 264, 265 and 270, and adding a new section 271, for the purpose of establishing a Customs and Duty Standardization Act of 2010, and for other purposes.
CB 18-382nd Regular SessionSeptember 12 - October 01, 2013To amend chapter 8 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia to improve administration of the revenue laws, and for other purposes.
CB 18-371st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To propose an amendment to section 8 of Article IX of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of making all members of Congress elected for four years, and for other purposes.
CB 18-361st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To authorize the President of the Federated States of Micronesia, or his designee, to execute a sovereign guarantee to secure an Asian Development Bank loan for the Pohnpei Port Development Project, and for other purposes.
CB 18-351st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend sections 303 and 306 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 13-93, to modify the division formula for Compact funds, and for other purposes.
CB 18-34CA 18-07/414791st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend Public Law No. 14-104, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-01 and 15-04, by adding new section 14 for the purpose of forgiving the remaining balance of the recovery loan assistance extended to Kosrae State, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-23 (W&M)
CB 18-331st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To clarify non-discrimination on the basis of sexual preference for the purpose of receiving government benefits funded by the National Government, and for other purposes.
CB 18-321st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To propose amendments to the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the purpose of guaranteeing the representation of women in Congress by creating additional at-large seats in Congress reserved for women, and for other purposes.
CB 18-31CA 18-08/414791st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To amend Public Law No. 10-31 by adding a new section 9, for the purpose of forgiving the remaining balance of the recovery loan assistance extended to Chuuk State, and for other purposes. : SCR No. 18-24 (W&M)
CB 18-30CA 18-10/414791st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To amend Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89 and 18-03, by amending section 6 thereof, for purpose of changing the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. : SCR NO. 18-26 (W&M)
CB 18-29CA 18-09/414791st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To amend section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Public Law No. 18-05 for the purpose of changing the use and allottee of funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. : [CD.6] SCR No. 18-25 (W&M)
CB 18-281st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To amend section 108 of title 4 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 15-14, to increase the salaries of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-27CA 18-11/414791st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To appropriate the sum of $1,500,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, to assist the States of Pohnpei and Yap in retiring debt and covering budget shortfalls, and for other purposes. : [CD.4] SCR No. 18-22 (W&M)
CB 18-26CA 18-06/414731st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend section 934 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 17-83, to extend a deadline set for the implementation of the tax reform, and for other purposes. : [CD.1] SCR No. 18-21 (W&M) 
CB 18-251st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend section 205 of title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 15-41, by enacting a one-time five percent increase in base salaries for certain public service employees, and for other purposes.
CB 18-241st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To repeal section 934 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia in its entirety, and for other purposes.
CB 18-231st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 12-16, by amending sections 1202, 1208, and 1217, for the purposes of placing one member of each government on the Board of Trustees, establishing State sub-accounts in the FSM Trust Fund, and for other purposes.
CB 18-221st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new section 145 under subchapter IV of chapter 1, to provide an exemption for qualified businesses from the gross revenue tax, and for other purposes.
CB 18-21CA 18-111/1.26.151st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013To further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-68, 13-21, 13-60, and 15-24, by amending section 805 thereof, to provide for the deposit of some taxes collected into the State sub-accounts of the FSM Trust Fund, and for other purposes. : [CD.2] SCR No. 18-240 (W&M)
CB 18-201st Special SessionJuly 15 - 24, 2013TTo further amend title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws 13-61 and 14-83, by amending section 903 thereof to provide for the waiver of penalties and interest on delinquent taxes paid during a specified period, and for other purposes.
CB 18-191st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend section 673 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-66 and 16-74, to increase the ceiling for the Maritime Surveillance Revolving Fund by $500,000, and for other purposes.
CB 18-18CA 18-04/414231st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To appropriate a supplemental budget of $80,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, by amending sections 1, 2 and 3 of Public Law No. 17-64, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-69, 17-72, 17-74, 17-88 and 18-01, and for other purposes. : W/P
CB 18-17CA 18-05/414241st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To appropriate the sum of $2,100,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in each of the four states, and for other purposes.  : W/P [CD.2]
CB 18-161st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To recommend Sei Francisco Uemoto for naturalization as a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-151st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To recommend Julita Kaitu Etse for naturalization as a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes.
CB 18-141st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013Establishing a revolving fund by creating a new subchapter XVIII under chapter 6 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, in order to authorize the State Governments of the Federated States of Micronesia to advance funds from a national revolving fund subject to reimbursement by federal grants from the United States Government that will be made available to the State Governments, appropriating $500,000 seed money in the revolving fund, and for other purposes.
CB 18-131st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend section 4 of Public Law No. 16-62, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, and 17-29, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.
CB 18-12CA 18-02/414211st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To amend section 2 of Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Law No. 17-71, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the States of Yap, and for other purposes.  :[CD.3] SCR No. 18-06
CB 18-111st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend section 112 of title 52 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law Nos. 11-81 and 13-64, and by inserting a new section 208 to chapter 2 of title 52 F.S.M.C., to provide for a cost-of-living allowance (COLA) for employees covered by the National Public Service System Act whose earnings from national government employment are $15,000 or less per annum, and for other purposes.
CB 18-101st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013Establishing a national trust fund for major catastrophic disasters and emergencies that may occur in the Federated States of Micronesia and a financial scheme for long-term climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, repealing sections 1201 through 1221 of chapter 12 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, and replacing with provisions for a new trust fund, and for other purposes.
CB 18-091st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-76, 14-34, 14-37, 14-86, 15-73, and 16-10, by amending sections 603 and 804 thereof, to subject to the earnings test the 50% benefit received by those who are ages 60 to 64 for individuals who turn sixty on or after January 1, 2014, and for other purposes.
CB 18-081st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 12-76, 14-37, 14-86, 15-73, and 16-10, by amending sections 603 and 804, to revise the procedures for calculating benefits, and for other purposes.
CB 18-07CA 18-01/414171st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To appropriate a supplemental budget of $4,702,628 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, by amending sections 1, 2, 8, and 9 of Public Law No. 17-64, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-69, 17-72, 17-74 and 17-88, and for other purposes.  :[CD.1] SCR No. 18-01(E) / SCR No. 18-02(W&M)
CB 18-061st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend section 6 of Public Law No. 17-68, as amended by Public Law No. 17-71, for the purpose of changing the allottee of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other purposes.
CB 18-051st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend section 115 of Title 52, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 10-15, and 14-56, to raise the mandatory retirement age for National Government employees from sixty to sixty-five, and for other purposes.
CB 18-041st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To appropriate the sum of $5,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, to offset effects of the next five years of decrement of Compact Funding for the administration of the governments of FSM, Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap, and for other purposes.
CB 18-031st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend section 805 of title 54 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law Nos. 13-21, 13-60 and 15-24, to provide that the States shall receive seventy percent of certain taxes collected beginning October 1, 2013, and for other purposes.
CB 18-021st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To appropriate the sum of $2,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, to loan to the Pohnpei Utilities Corporation, and for other purposes.
CB 18-01CA 18-03/414221st Regular SessionMay 11 - 30, 2013To further amend title 11 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended, by creating a new chapter 13 to implement the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention at the National level, and for other purposes.  :[CD.1] SCR No. 18-03 (J&GO) / SCR No. 18-04 (ExAFF)