5th CFSM Public Laws

Public Law No.DateTitle
PL 5-136MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To amend 58 F.S.M.C. by amending sections 512, 513, 521, 522, 524, 525, 531, 535, 562 and 564, as established by P.L. No. 5-121, and to further amend 55 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-16, 5-88, 5-119 and 5-121, by amending sections 625 and 627 to authorize bank borrowings, establishing procedures for pledges of funds, altering committee voting requirements, and expanding the waiver of sovereign immunity (CB 5-429 CD6)(SCR 5-392)
PL 5-135MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend 4 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-12, by adding a new chapter 3 concerning extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction, and to repeal title 5 of the FSM Code (CB 5-141 CD1)(SCR 5-368)
PL 5-134MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend 32 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-21, 5-54 and 5-109, by further amending section 202, aab P.L. No. 5-21, by amending section 203, and by amending sections 206-214, 219, 221, 222, and 225-227, as renumbered by  P.L. No. 5-21, to amend the Foreign-Investment Act (CB 5-424 CD2)(SCR 5-378, 5-386)
PL 5-133MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 3-56, as amended, by further amending section 1, aab P.L. Nos. 3-71, 4-8, 4-49, and 4-80, to reallocate funds for certain public projects (CB 5-438)(SCR 5-381)
PL 5-132MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 5-27, aab P.L. No. 5-79, by adding a new section 2 to apportion funds (renumber 2, 3 as 3 and 4) (CB 5-443, CD1)(SCR 5-387)
PL 5-131MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, as amended, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113, 5-14, 5-30, 5-44, 5-51, 5-82 and 5-107, to change the use of funds for a public project (CB 5-434)(SCR 5-374)
PL 5-130MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 4-28, as amended, by further amending section 2, as amended, to change the use of funds appropriated thereby (CB 5-440)(SCR 5-382)
PL 5-129MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 5-89, aab P.L. No. 5-99, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. No. 5-99, to reallocate funds designated for public projects in Truk (CB 5-436)(SCR 5-379)
PL 5-128MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, as amended, by amending section 3 to reallocate funds appropriated thereby for the National Judiciary (CB 5-422)(SCR 5-376, 5-380)
PL 5-127MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, as amended, by further amending sections 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-55, 5-73, 5-83, 5-90, 5-101, 5-106 and 5-110,  to appropriate $1,655,067 as supplemental funding for the executive branch, Public Auditor, agencies of the Nat'l Gov't, Compact section 221(b) programs, development budget; reallocating funds for marine surveillance program; adjusting employment ceilings; and limiting reprogramming authority (CB 5-435 CD8)(SCR 5-390)
PL 5-126MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 5-89, aab P.L. No. 5-99, by further amending sections 5 and 6, aab P.L. No. 5-99, concerning Trukpublic projects (CB 5-426)(SCR 5-372)
PL 5-125MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend 4 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-12, by amending section 204, as enacted by P.L. No. 5-12, to bring the section into accord with 18 F.S.M.C. (CB 5-433)(SCR 5-371)
PL 5-124MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, as amended, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. No. 5-102, to appropriate $25,000 as supplemental funding for the legislative branch (CB 5-442 CD2)(SCR 5-389)
PL 5-123MARCH 27 - APRIL 5, 1989To amend 6 F.S.M.C. 705 to clarify the extent to which money judgments of a court may be executed against the Government (CB 5-428)(SCR 5-370)
PL 5-122OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend 30 F.S.M.C. by adding a new section 122 to create the Investment Development Fund (CB 5-212 CD5)(SCR 5-351)
PL 5-121OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To create new 58 F.S.M.C. by adding  a new chapter 5 and by further amending 55 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-16 and 5-88, by adding new subchapters I - VI regarding Compact Financing Act (CB 5-116 CD3)(SCR 5-131)
PL 5-120OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend the FSM Social Security Act, P.L. No. 2-74, codified as subtitle II of 53 F.S.M.C. (CB 5-278 CD4)(SCR 5-334)
PL 5-119OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 55 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-16 and 5-88, by amending section 106 to limit the annual increase in the operations of the budget (CB 5-249 CD1)(SCR 5-359)
PL 5-118OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $105,000 to fund certain development projects in Kosrae (CB 5-399 CD1)(SCR 5-327, 5-340)
PL 5-117OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-60 by adding a new section 3 to specify the apportionment and clarify the character of monies appropriated for the funding of spare part and equipment acquisition for, and engineering studies regarding, the electrical power generation systems of the States of Kosrae, Pohnpei, Truk and Yap, as may be needed, and amending section 3 and renumbering section 4 (CB 5-389 CD5)(SCR 5-309)
PL 5-116OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-59 by adding a new section 2 to specify the projects for which funds originally appropriated for public projects in Yap are to be used, and amending section 2 and renumbering  section 3 (CB 5-388 CD2)(SCR 5-305)
PL 5-115OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $150,000 to fund certain development projects in Pohnpei (CB 5-329)(SCR 5-342)
PL 5-114OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $70,000 to fund certain development  projects in Truk (CB 5-403 CD2)(SCR 5-328, 5-343)
PL 5-113OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $115,000 to fund certain development projects in Yap (CB 5-397 CD2)(SCR 5-325, 5-345)
PL 5-112OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend 18 F.S.M.C. by amending sections 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 and 107 and by adding a new section 108 to establish an Exclusive Economic Zone in the ocean surrounding the FSM, to expand the size of the Territorial Sea, and to make the chapter consistent with the current political status of the FSM (CB 5-245 CD3)(SCR 5-310)
PL 5-111OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-67 by amending section 2 to allocate funds appropriated therein, and by amending section 3 to modify the designation of allottees (CB 5-378 CD4)(SCR 5-300)
PL 5-110OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, aab P.L. Nos. 5-55, 5-73 and 5-83, by further amending section 12, aab P.L. No. 5-73, to remove the limitations imposed upon funds appropriated for the Kosrae State Court (CB 5-375)(SCR 5-285)
PL 5-109OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 32 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-21 and 5-54, by further amending section 228, aab P.L. No. 5-21, to exempt certain businesses from the requirement to obtain foreign investment permits (CB 5-379 CD2)(SCR 5-350)
PL 5-108OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-80 by amending section 2 to change the permitted use of funds originally appropriated for September 8, 1988 (CB 5-376 CD1)(SCR 5-284)
PL 5-107OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, as amended, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113, 5-14, 5-30, 5-44, 5-51 and 5-82, to change the use of funds for certain public projects in Truk (CB 5-374 CD3)(SCR 5-286)
PL 5-106OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, aab P.L. Nos. 5-55, 5-73 and 5-83, by further amending sections 1, 5 and 14, aab P.L. No. 5-83, to appropriate $265,719 as supplemental funding for the executive branch and agencies of the National Government, and adjusting employment ceilings (CB 5-400 CD3)(SCR 5-324, 5-360)
PL 5-105OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 50 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-54, by amending section 102, by further amending section 103, aab P.L. No. 5-54, and by amending sections 104, 107, 110 and 112 relating to entry permits and noncitizen registration (CB 5-254 CD7)(SCR 5-297)
PL 5-104OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 21 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-7, by amending section 210 to remove the Vice-President from the Board of Directors of the FSM Telecommunications Corporation, to revoke the voting right of the chief executive officer of the Corporation, and to reduce the number of presidential appointees to the Board of Directors from three to one (CB 5-361)(SCR 5-311)
PL 5-103OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 9 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-70, by amending section 205 to make the section consistent with other statutes; by repealing sections 202 and 206; and by renumbering sections 203 and 204 (CB 5-391)(SCR 5-306)
PL 5-102OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, aab P.L. Nos. 5-55, 5-73 and 5-83, by amending section 2 to reappropriate $7,000 of lapsed funds and to reapportion funds appropriated for the operating expenses of the legislative branch (CB 5-373 CD2)(SCR 5-288)
PL 5-101OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, aab P.L. Nos. 5-55, 5-73 and 5-83, by amending section 7 to appropriate $80,551 as supplemental funding for the marine surveillance program (CB 5-362 CD2)(SCR 5-308, 5-344)
PL 5-100OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $425,000 to reimburse the State governments for a portion of their law enforcement activities regarding National crimes (CB 5-234 CD1)(SCR 5-282, 5-333)
PL 5-99OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-89 by amending sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8  to modify the uses and the apportionment of funds appropriated for public projects in Truk, and changing certain allottees (CB 5-381 CD5)(SCR 5-296)
PL 5-98OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 3 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-19, 5-47 and 5-53, by further amending section 101, aab P.L. No. 5-53, by adding a new section 107, and further amending section 201, aab P.L. No. 5-47, to bring the sections into accord with the Constitution  and other statutes (CB 5-334 CD2)(SCR 5-281)
PL 5-97OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend 10 F.S.M.C. 103 to increase the compensation of the Washington Representative (CB 5-105 CD1)(SCR 5-331)
PL 5-96OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 9 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-70, by further amending section 501, aab P.L. No. 5-70, to delete the requirement for new voter registration every 10 years (CB 5-413)(SCR 5-356)
PL 5-95OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend 9 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-70, by amending section 706 to provide for exceptions to the seven days' notice requirement for voting at a polling place other than the one at which a voter is legally registered to vote (CB 5-377 CD2)(SCR 5-295)
PL 5-94OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $19,000 to pay the membership fee to join the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (CB 5-365)(SCR 5-332, 5-341)
PL 5-93OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $37,000 to fund certain urgent medical referral program needs (CB 5-398 CD1)(SCR 5-321, 5-353)
PL 5-92OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To appropriate $18,000 to fund social and economic surveys (CB 5-307 CD2)(SCR 5-339)(O.R. 11/24/88)
PL 5-91OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To amend section 14 of P.L. No. 5-40 to continue in effect the prior law for the purpose of prosecution for offenses committed before the effective date of such law  (CB 5-382 CD2)(SCR 5-322)
PL 5-90OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 25, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-52, aab P.L. Nos. 5-55, 5-73 and 5-83, by amending section 13 to appropriate $600,000 as supplemental funding for development projects and programs (CB 5-401 CD1)(SCR 5-338, 5-352)
PL 5-89AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $2,048,216 for FY '89 for public projects in Truk State (CB 5-333 CD3)(SCR 5-272)
PL 5-88AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend 55 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-16, by adding a new section 1201 of chapter 12 concerning labeling of public projects (CB 5-166 CD1)(SCR 5-229)
PL 5-87AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $135,000 for FY '89 to fund certain public projects in Yap State (CB 5-322)(SCR 5-248, 5-264)
PL 5-86AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $125,000 for FY '89 to fund certain public projects in Kosrae State (CB 5-330 CD2)(SCR 5-250, 5-261)
PL 5-85AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $180,000 for FY '89 to fund certain public projects in Truk State (CB 5-332 CD2)(SCR 5-249, 5-265)
PL 5-84AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend 54 F.S.M.C., by amending sections 115 and 141 relating to taxation (CB 5-127 CD1)(SCR 5-231)
PL 5-83AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend sections 1, 5 and 14 of P.L. No. 5-52 to appropriate $116,882 as supplemental funding for the executive branch and agencies of the National Government, and adjusting employment ceilings (CB 5-331 CD1)(S.C.R 5-256)(O.R. 8/13/88)
PL 5-82AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, as amended, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113, 5-14, 5-30, 5-44 and 5-51, to change the use of funds for a public project in Truk (CB 5-337)(SCR 5-270)
PL 5-81AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend 54 F.S.M.C., by amending section 201 to levy an ad valorem import tax on the importation of laundry bar soap for resale (CB 5-185 CD1)(SCR 5-227)
PL 5-80AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $430,330 for FY '89 for certain public projects in Kosrae (CB 5-338 CD2)(SCR 5-268)
PL 5-79AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-27 by amending section 2 to remove the lapse date for funding designated for the completion of certain public projects in Pohnpei (CB 5-339)(SCR 5-269)
PL 5-78AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-39 by amending section 3 to remove the lapse date for funding designated for the completion of certain public projects and programs in Pohnpei (CB 5-341)(SCR 5-266)
PL 5-77AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To define the functions and responsibilities of the Division of Statistics; to authorize the Division of Statistics to develop an integrated and comprehensive statistical census information system; to guarantee the confidentiality of data collected; and to promote cooperation between the National and State Governments concerning recording and reporting of statistics (CB 5-256 CD1)(SCR 5-257)
PL 5-76AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-3 by amending section 4 to remove the lapse date (CB 5-317)(SCR 5-239)
PL 5-75AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-31 by amending section 2 to remove the lapse date (CB 5-303)(SCR 5-219)
PL 5-74AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 4-23, aab P.L. Nos. 4-30 and 4-46, by further amending section 4, aab P.L. No. 4-46, to remove the lapse date (CB 5-302)(SCR 5-220)
PL 5-73AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend section 12 of P.L. No. 5-52 to appropriate $7,555 to provide funding for the Micronesian Voice Newsletter and the Conch Newsletter (CB 5-315)(SCR 5-278)(O.R. 8/13/88)
PL 5-72AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend 24 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-20 and 5-37, by further amending section 105, aab P.L. No. 5-20, to extend the expiration date of the title (CB 5-320)(SCR 5-246)
PL 5-71AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 4-91, aab P.L. Nos. 4-111 and 5-17, by further amending section 3, aab P.L. No. 5-17, to remove the lapse date (CB 5-296)(SCR 5-218)
PL 5-70AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 2-73, aab P.L. No. 3-36, sections 101 through 108, 201 through 905, and 1101 of which are codified as sections 101 through 108, 201 through 905, and 109 respectively of 9 F.S.M.C., by amending sections 108, 109, 203, 302, 501, 504, 506, 603 through 606, 701, 703, 704, 807, and 901 through 904 of 9 F.S.M.C., and by adding new section 906 to amend the law relating to National elections (CB 5-323 CD2)(SCR 5-252)
PL 5-69AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-36 by amending section 3 to remove the lapse date for funding designated for the completion of certain public projects and programs in Pohnpei (CB 5-340)(SCR 5-267)
PL 5-68AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 4-93, aab P.L. Nos. 4-107 and 5-18, by further amending section 3, aab P.L. Nos. 4-107 and 5-18, to remove the lapse date for funding appropriated for certain public projects and programs in Pohnpei (CB 5-353)(SCR 5-273)
PL 5-67AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $1,501,098 for public projects in Pohnpei for FY '89 (CB 5-329 CD3)(SCR 5-255)
PL 5-65AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend 54 F.S.M.C., by amending section 204 to clarify the basis on which import taxes are to be levied (CB 5-306 CD1)(SCR 5-228)
PL 5-64AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28, 5-45, and 5-48, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. Nos.  5-28, 5-45 and 5-48, to appropriate $6,000 as supplemental funding for the Pohnpei Congressional Delegation Office (CB 5-335 CD2)(SCR 5-263)
PL 5-63AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $35,984 for FY '88 to reimburse Truk and Yap for expenses incurred in the Congressional elections held  in 1985 and 1987 (CB 5-200 CD2)(SCR 5-277)
PL 5-62AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-42 by amending section 1 to change the purpose of the appropriation from funding the restoration ofMutunnenea Bridge to funding certain projects, by adding a new section 2 to apportion funds among the projects, and by renumbering sections 2 and 3 (CB 5-311 CD2)(SCR 5-232)
PL 5-61AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28, 5-45, and 5-48, by further amending section 16, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28 and 5-48, to extend the lapse date for funds for the conduct of a public census (CB 5-321 CD2)(SCR 5-245)
PL 5-60AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $248,000 for FY '88 and $152,000 for FY '89  to fund spare part and equipment acquisition for, and engineering studies regarding, the electrical power generation systems of Kosrae, Yap, Truk and Pohnpei (CB 5-336 CD2)(SCR 5-274)
PL 5-59AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To appropriate $620,356 for public projects in Yap for FY '89 (CB 5-308 CD1)(SCR 5-236)
PL 5-58AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28, 5-45, and 5-48, by further amending section 3, aab P.L. No. 5-28, to appropriate $154,400 as supplemental funding for the National judiciary, and by further amending section 16, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28 and 5-48, to extend the lapse date for a portion of such funding (CB 5-260 CD4)(SCR 5-195, 5-215)
PL 5-57AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28, 5-45 and 5-48, by further amending section 11, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28 and 5-48, to reallocate funds for Yap youth activities and programs and Truk sports activities and programs (CB 5-314 CD1)(SCR 5-240)
PL 5-56AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28, 5-45, and 5-48, by further amending section 5, aab P.L. Nos.  5-28 and 5-48, to appropriate $7,300 as supplemental funding for the Postal Services (CB 5-309 CD1)(SCR 5-221,  5-237)
PL 5-55AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 14, 1988To amend P.L. No. 5-52 by amending section 15 to reduce the reprogramming authority of allottees (CB 5-292)(SCR 5-216)
PL 5-54MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend 32 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-21, by repealing chapter 5, to amend 50 F.S.M.C. by amending section 103 to replace peddlers' permits with sales-persons' permits, and by amending section 112 by adding a new subsection (4) relating to noncompliance with the law (CB 5-215 CD1)(SCR 5-177)
PL 5-53MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend 3 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-19, by amending section 101 to bring it into accord with the FSM Constitution (CB 5-280 CD1)(SCR 5-200)
PL 5-52MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To appropriate $20,088,067 for FY '89 for National Government budget (CB 5-283 CD8)(SCR 5-202)
PL 5-51MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113, 5-14, 5-29, 5-30 and 5-44, by further amending section 2 to change the use of funds for public projects (CB 5-259 CD2)(SCR 5-194)
PL 5-50MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend 2 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 5-2 and 5-21, by further amending section 207 to require  advice and consent of Congress for appointments to the Board of Regents of the College of Micronesia (CB 5-265 CD1)(SCR 5-180)
PL 5-49MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To appropriate $192,655 for FY '89 to purchase a computer system for the National Government (CB 5-281 CD1)(SCR 5-204)
PL 5-48MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. Nos. 5-28 and 5-45, by further amending sections 1, 2, 5, 7, 11 and 16 to appropriate $1,194,710 as supplemental  funding for the National budget (CB 5-270 CD5)(SCR 5-201)
PL 5-47MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend 3 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. No. 5-19, by amending section 201 to  delete the budget submission deadline (CB 5-238 CD1)(SCR 5-174)
PL 5-46MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To authorize the President to submit to the voters the question: "Shall there be a convention to revise or amend the Constitution?" (CB 5-51, CD2)(SCR 5-173)
PL 5-45MAY 9 - JUNE 7, 1988To further amend P.L. No. 5-15, aab P.L. No. 5-28, by further amending section 2, aab P.L. No. 5-28, to appropriate $20,000 as supplemental representation funding for Congress (CB 5-222 CD1)(SCR 5-166)
PL 5-44NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 4, 1987To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113, 5-14, 5-29, and 5-30, by further amending sec. 2, aab  P.L. Nos. 4-113, 5-14, and 5-30, to change the purpose of an appropriation for the Mortlocks from a leadership conference to typhoon relief (CB 5-221 CD3)(SCR 5-167)
PL 5-43NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 4, 1987To appropriate $100,000 for FY '88 to fund the Disaster Relief Fund created by P.L. No. 2-64 (CB 5-219 CD1)(SCR 5-161)
PL 5-42NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 4, 1987To appropriate $75,000 for FY '88 to fund restoration of Mutunnenea Bridge in Kosrae  (CB 5-218 CD3)(SCR 5-160) 
PL 5-41NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 4, 1987To appropriate $300,000 for FY '88 to fund typhoon relief programs in Truk (CB 5-217 CD2)(SCR 5-159)
PL 5-40OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend 11 F.S.M.C.  as amended  by amending sec. 902,  914,  918,  920-922,  924,  931,  941,  944 & 951 regarding the definition of major crimes   (CB 5-161  CD2)(SCR 5-128)
PL 5-39OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To appropriate $25,311 for FY '88 to complete projects and programs in Pohnpei which were not completed because funding lapsed (CB 5-189  CD1)(SCR 5-143)
PL 5-38OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To appropriate $41,000 for FY '88 to provide matching funds to complete projects in Truk   State  previously funded pursuant to P.L. No. 3-72  aab P.L. Nos. 4-9 and 4-53  which projects were not completed because funding lapsed   (CB 5-168  CD1)(SCR 5-135)
PL 5-37OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend 24 F.S.M.C. as amended by amending sec. 102, 401, 407-409 501 & 503 to provide for the implementation of regional fisheries treaties (CB 5-186 CD1)(SCR 5-148)
PL 5-36OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To appropriate $117,353 for FY '88 to complete projects and programs in Pohnpei which were not completed because funding lapsed (CB 5-199 CD2)(SCR 5-144)
PL 5-35OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To appropriate $67,570.25 for FY '88 to provide matching funds to complete projects in Kosrae, previously funded pursuant to P.L. No. 4-90 (CB 5-182 CD2)(SCR 5-122)
PL 5-34OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To amend 17 F.S.M.C. by repealing chapter 2 regarding T.T. administrative procedures (CB 5-136)(SCR 5-117)
PL 5-33OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend P.L. No. 3-56, as amended, by amending further sec. 2, aab P.L. No. 4-14, to change the allottee for funds appropriated under subsection (2) of sec. 1 and extend the report date (CB 5-163)(SCR 5-110)
PL 5-32OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To amend P.L. No. 5-21 by amending sec. 17 to correct an error therein (CB 5-208)(SCR 5-147)
PL 5-31OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To appropriate $100,000 for FY '88 to replace  funds previously appropriated for the reconstruction of Outer Islands High School in Yap  (CB 5-154 CD1)(SCR 5-115, 5-118)
PL 5-30OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113 and 5-14, by amending section 2 to change the use of funds (CB 5-192 CD1)(SCR 5-153)
PL 5-29OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend P.L. No. 4-95, aab P.L. Nos. 4-113 and 5-14, by amending sec. 3 to change the allottee of funds under subsection (5) of section 2 (CB 5-211)(SCR 5-154)
PL 5-28OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To amend P.L. No. 5-15 to appropriate $13,005,917 as supplemental funding for the National Government (CB 5-207 CD16)(SCR 5-155)
PL 5-27OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To appropriate $35,671 for FY '88 to complete public projects in Pohnpei which projects were not completed because funding lapsed (CB 5-145 CD2)(SCR 5-120)
PL 5-26OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend P.L. No. 2-34, as amended, by further amending sec. 2, aab P.L. Nos. 3-17 and 4-15, to change allottee of funds appropriated under subsection (5) of section 1 (CB 5-169)(SCR 5-112)
PL 5-25OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To amend P.L. No. 4-101 by amending sec. 7 to delete subsection (2) relating to Board of Directors of FSM Airline Corporation  (CB 5-146)(SCR 5-102)
PL 5-23OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To amend 12 F.S.M.C. by amending sec. 1202 to place extradition and transfer of prisoners within the scope of joint law enforcement agreements (CB 5-143)(SCR 5-101)
PL 5-22OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To amend 12 F.S.M.C. by repealing chapter 10 and adding new chapters 14 & 15 to establish procedures for the surrender of persons who have committed crimes in foreign countries and for the transfer of offenders to and from foreign countries (CB 5-83 CD1)(SCR 5-94)
PL 5-21OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To reorganize the FSM National Government (CB 5-18 CD6)(SCR 5-107)
PL 5-20OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 12, 1987To further amend 24 F.S.M.C., as amended, by further amending sec. 105, aab P.L. No. 0-70, to extend the expiration date of the title (CB 5-121 CD1)(SCR 5-104)
PL 5-19JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend 3 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 2-36 & 4-84, by adding a new chapter 7 to set forth procedures for removal of President, Vice-President, and Justices of FSM Supreme Court (CB 5-20 CD2)(SCR 5-63)
PL 5-18JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 2 & 3 of P.L. No. 4-93, aab P.L. No. 4-107, to allow funds appropriated for Mokil to be used for municipal operations and extend the lapse date (CB 5-108 CD1)(SCR 5-66)
PL 5-17JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 2 of P.L. No. 4-91, aab P.L. No. 4-111, to reapportion funds for Yap public projects and amend sec. 3 to renumber a subsection reference (CB 5-107)(SCR 5-67)
PL 5-16JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend 55 F.S.M.C., as amended, by further amending sec. 109, aab P.L. No. 4-77, to broaden the scope of emergency situations for which an emergency account can be established (CB 5-58)(SCR 5-61)
PL 5-15JULY 13 - 27, 1987To appropriate $8,122,475 for FY '88 for the operations of the National Government (CB 5-94 CD5)(SCR 5-91)
PL 5-14JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 2 of P.L. No. 4-95, aab P.L. No. 4-113, relating to an appropriation for public projects in Truk (CB 5-63 CD1)(SCR 5-41)
PL 5-13JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 12 of P.L. No. 4-51, aab P.L. No. 4-88, to exempt funds appropriated for cooperative and credit union development from lapsing (CB 5-86)(SCR 5-59)
PL 5-12JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend 4 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 3-3 and 3-40, by repealing sec. 204 and adding a new sec. 204 to establish provisions for service of process outside the territorial jurisdiction of the FSM Supreme Court (CB 5-24 CD1)(SCR 5-69)
PL 5-11JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 1 of P.L. No. 2-34, as amended, to change the purpose of funds appropriated thereby and re-designate paragraphs (CB 5-96 CD1)(SCR 5-81)
PL 5-10JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend P.L. No. 4-28, as amended, to change the use of funds appropriated thereby and renumber paragraphs  (CB 5-95 CD1)(SCR 5-78)
PL 5-9JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 1 & 5 of P.L. No. 4-51, aab  P.L. No. 4-88, to appro. $115,757 as supplemental funding for Office of President, Dept. of External Affairs, Dept. of R&D, and the Foreign Investment Board (CB 5-98 CD2)(SCR 5-77, 5-86)
PL 5-8JULY 13 - 27, 1987To further amend sec. 2 of P.L. No. 4-51, aab P.L. Nos. 4-88 & 5-1, to appro. $31,000 as supplemental funding for Congress (CB 5-80 CD2)(SCR 5-53)
PL 5-7MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To further amend 21 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 3-15, 3-27 and 4-45, by adding a new sec. 231 to establish procedures for securing and perfecting liens on assets of the FSM Telecommunications Corporation  (CB 5-35 CD3)(SCR 5-21)
PL 5-6MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To appropriate $99,179 to reimburse the States for law enforcement activities regarding National Crimes  (CB 5-49 CD3)(SCR 5-19, 5-27)
PL 5-5MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To appropriate $7,242,000 to provide funding for the FSM Telecommunications Corporation (CB 5-9 CD1)(SCR 5-11, 5-22)
PL 5-4MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To appropriate $67,500 to defray costs associated with security devices for the National Government (CB 5-26 CD2)(SCR 5-7, 5-14)
PL 5-3MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To appropriate $1,199,959 to provide post-secondary educational assistance to the States and limiting the purposes for which funds can be used (CB 5-8 CD2)(SCR 5-20)
PL 5-2MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To further amend 2 F.S.M.C., aab P.L. Nos. 3-24, 4-63, 4-65 & 4-75, by amending further sec. 207, aab P.L. Nos. 3-24 & 4-63, to extend the time for public officials to submit their resignations  (CB 5-21 CD2)(SCR 5-6)
PL 5-1MAY 11 - JUNE 11, 1987To further amend sec. 2 & 10 of P.L. No. 4-51, aab P.L. No. 4-88, to appro. $46,525 as supplemental funding for Congress and increase employment  ceiling  (CB 5-30 CD3)(SCR 5-10)