PL 1-156 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To create a Federated States of Micronesia Coconut Development Authority, to abolish the Federated States Copra Stabilization Board and the Federated States of Micronesia Coconut Processing Authority, and for other purposes. (CB 1-396, CD3) |
PL 1-155 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Section 501 of Public Law No. 1-94, relating to licensing requirements for banks, and for other purposes. (CB 1-398) |
PL 1-154 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-94 to alter the composition of the Banking Board, to alter the requirements regarding the amount of capital stock, and for other purposes. (CB 1-392, CD2) |
PL 1-153 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $20,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of funding activities of the Federated States of Micronesia Task Force on World War II War Claims, and for other purposes. (CB 1-387, CD1) |
PL 1-152 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $95,175 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of refunding to each state one-half of the sum charged against revenue distributed to such state to defray one-half the cost of collecting such revenue during the period from May 10, 1979, through September 30, 1982, and for other purposes. (CB 1-376, CD2) |
PL 1-151 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law 4C-53, as amended by Public Law No. 1-103, to provide for the sale of the assets of the boat-building program, and for other purposes. (CB 1-383, CD1) |
PL 1-150 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To establish an Administrative Procedure Act for the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-319, CD2) |
PL 1-149 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia fo the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of funding scholarships for the Micronesia Bound School, and for other purposes. (CB 1-57, CD3) |
PL 1-148 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $85,700 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of supplementing funds appropriated by Public Law No. 1-118, as amended by Public Law No. 1-125, for the operations of the Executive Branch, National Judiciary, Public Auditor, and other programs of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 1981, and for other purposes. (CB 1-385, CD2) |
PL 1-147 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To further amend Sections 1 and 2 of Public Law No.1-90, as amended by Public Law no. 1-121, to reapportion certain funds to defray the administrative costs of the Kosrae State Commission on Improvement Projects; to change the composition of such Commission; and for other purposes. (CB 1-397) |
PL 1-146 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $415,900 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981 for the purpose of funding certain projects in the State of Ponape, and for other purposes. (CB 1-394 CD3)(SCR 1-336) |
PL 1-145 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $160,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of funding projects in the State of Kosrae; to allot the sum appropriated to the Kosrae State Commission on Improvement Projects, created by Public Law No. 1-90, as amended by Public Law No. 1-121, and for other purposes. (CB 21-388, CD2) |
PL 1-144 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No.IC-1, as amended by Public Law No. IC-24 and Public Law No.1-1, to provide that election provisions enacted for the First Congress apply to elections for the Second Congress; and for other purposes. (CB 1-389, CD1) |
PL 1-143 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $150,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of purchasing medical supplies for each state, and for other purposes. (CB 1-381, CD3) |
PL 1-142 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $636,300 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesiafor the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of funding certain public projects in the State of Truk, and for other purposes. (CB 1-365 CD3)(SCR 1-318) |
PL 1-141 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To declare the national policy on Sovereign Immunity and to provide for a limited waiver of immunity for specific types of claims, and for other purposes. (CB 1-318, CD2) |
PL 1-140 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To further amend Public Law No. 1-84, as amended by Public Law No. 1-97 and Public Law No. 1-128, which appropriated funds for certain public projects in the State of Ponape, to permit additional projects to be funded out of the sum appropriated, and for other purposes. (CB 1-379) |
PL 1-139 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $227,600 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of funding public projects within the State of Yap, and for other purposes. (CB 1-324, CD2) |
PL 1-138 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To establish the Federated States of Micronesia Board of Education, to authorize funds thereof, and for other purposes. (CB 1-309, CD2) |
PL 1-137 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide for the regulation of foreign investment, and for other purposes. (CB 1-355, CD1) |
PL 1-136 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend the Trust Territory Social Security Act, 73 TTC Sections 104, 105 and 107, as amended, to provide for increases in the amount of benefits, and for other purposes. (CB 1-300, CD1) |
PL 1-135 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Sections 1, 3(1) (2), 4(1), 5 and 6 of Chapter 1 and Section 51, 52, and 54 of Chapter 3 of Title 37 of the Trust Territory Code relating to Corporations, Partnerships and Associations, and for other purposes. (CB 1-298, CD2) |
PL 1-134 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To adopt a National Criminal Code for the Federated States of Micronesia, repeal certain Trust Territory laws relating to crimes within the jurisdiction of the National Government, and for other purposes. (CB 1-184, CD2) |
PL 1-133 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To authorize the appropriation of the sum of $95,175 in each of the Fiscal Years 1981 and 1982 for the purpose of refunding to the states of the Federated States of Micronesia sums charged against revenues to cover one-half the cost of collecting such revenues during the periods from May 10, 1979 to September 30, 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-313, CD1) |
PL 1-132 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide laws to control bribery, graft and conflict of interest for the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-219, CD2) |
PL 1-131 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide for port and harbor regulations at official ports of entry in the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-331, CD2) |
PL 1-130 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide for immigration control, and for other purposes. (CB 1-315, CD2) |
PL 1-129 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981, for the purpose of defraying the expenses associated with the participation of a Federated States of Micronesia baseball team in an international tournament to he held on Guam, and for other purposes. (CB 1-362) |
PL 1-128 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-97, which appropriated funds for certain public projects in the state of Ponape, to permit additional projects to be funded out of the sum appropriated, and for other purposes. (CB 1-305, CD1) |
PL 1-127 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal Section 201 of Title 12 of the Trust Territory Code and to enact a new Section 201 in its place providing for the name in which criminal prosecutions shall be conducted, and for other purposes. (CB 1-333, CD1) |
PL 1-126 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | Prescribing the authority of the President to establish programs for the joint administration of certain national law enforcement functions by the National and State Governments, and for other purposes. (CB 1-1654, CD2) |
PL 1-125 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-118 to provide full-year funding for the operations of the Executive Branch, National Judiciary, Public Auditor, and for other programs of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia during Fiscal Year 1981 by increasing the amount previously appropriated to $2,229,000, and for other purposes. (CB 1-335, CD1) |
PL 1-124 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-116 to provide full-year funding for the operations of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia during Fiscal Year 1981 by increasing the amount previously appropriated to $1,230,000, and for other purposes. (CB 1-323, CD1) |
PL 1-123 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Section 13 of Public Law No. 7-32, as amended by Public Law No. 7-67 and Public Law 7-94, relating to a progressive income tax, and for other purposes. (CB 1-250, CD1) |
PL 1-122 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To require that all children attending school within the Federated States of Micronesia be immunized against communicable diseases to be identified in rules and regulations issued pursuant to authority vested hereby; to provide for exceptions to the requirements established hereby, and for other purposes. (CB 1-223, CD3) |
PL 1-121 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Sections 1, 2, and 4 of Public Law No. 1-90, relating to appropriations from the General Fund during Fiscal Years 1980 and 1981 for the purpose of funding public projects in the state of Kosrae for Fiscal Years 1980 and 1981, and for other purposes. (CB 1-239, CD3) |
PL 1-120 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | Prescribing the manner in which the functions of certain appointive positions in the National Government shall be performed during vacancies in such positions, and for other purposes. (CB 1-275, CD2) |
PL 1-119 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Sections 1 through 5 of Public Law No. 6-132, as amended by Public Law No 1-55, on utilization of lateritic and other soil deposits, and for other purposes. (CB 1-272, CD1) |
PL 1-118 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $522,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the Executive Branch, National Judiciary, Public Auditor and other programs of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia for Fiscal Year 1981, and for other purposes. (CB 1-266, CD2) |
PL 1-117 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend and repeal certain sections of Chapter 7 of Title 33 of the Trust Territory Code, and for other purposes. (CB 1-263, CD2) |
PL 1-116 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $273,042 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of defraying the operating and contingent expenses of the Congress of Federated States of Micronesia for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1981, and for other purposes. (CB 1-230, CD1) |
PL 1-115 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-45, the Financial Management Act of 1979, and for other purposes. (CB 1-281, CD2) |
PL 1-114 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Section 2 and 6 of Public Law 1-6, to delete the word “Director” and insert in lieu thereof the word “Secretary”, and for other purposes. (CB 1-240, CD1) |
PL 1-113 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To add a new Subsection 2 of Section 6 of Public Law No. 1-6, requiring certain public officials shoes appointments are subject to advice and consent of the Congress to submit their resignation to a new President of Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-214) |
PL 1-112 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Subsection (1) of Section 6 of Public Law No. 1-6 to require the advice and consent of the Congress for the nomination of division chiefs and deputies, if any; and for other purposes. (CB 1-218) |
PL 1-111 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Subsection (4) of Section 1 of Public Law No. 1-54 to permit funding of certain utility costs, and for other purposes. (CB 1-261, CD1) |
PL 1-110 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $420,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of funding certain public projects in the state of Truk, and for other purposes. (CB 1-257, CD1) |
PL 1-109 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Sections 1 and 2 of PL No. 1-95 relating to appropriations from the General Fund for the purpose of building certain projects in the State of Truk, and for other purposes. (CB 1-247, CD1) |
PL 1-108 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Section 16 of Public Law No. 1-37 relating to appropriations for the operating and contingent expenses of the Federated States Development Bank for Fiscal Years 1979 and 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-246, CD1) |
PL 1-107 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of providing the funds for aid to non-public schools in the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-213, CD2) |
PL 1-106 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To authorize the appropriation of not more than $200,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of providing funds for student loans for post-secondary and graduate levels of training for citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, to appropriate $100,000 of the sum authorized, and for other purposes. (CB 1-212, CD2) |
PL 1-105 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-77 regarding the creation of a Federated States of Micronesia Copra Stabilization Board, and for other purposes. (CB 01-273, CD1) |
PL 1-104 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Title 52 of the Trust Territory Code as amended relating to fishery zones jurisdiction enforcement, and for other purposes. (CB 1-271, CD1) |
PL 1-103 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 4C-53 to provide for the termination of boat-building program and the transfer of its assets to a private corporation meeting certain requirements, and for other purposes. (CB 1-269, CD1) |
PL 1-102 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Section 4 of Public Law No. 1-25, to allow greater flexibility in the expenditure of funds appropriated thereby, and for other purposes. (CB 1-260) |
PL 1-101 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Section 1 of Public law 1-89, which appropriated funds for certain public purchases and projects in the State of Yap, to allow for an alternative disposition of certain funds appropriated thereby, and for other purposes. (CB 1-228) |
PL 1-100 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 401 of Public Law No. 1-94 relating to regulation of the Banking Business in the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-231, CD1) (R&D SCR 1-224 – 6/6/80) |
PL 1-99 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-65 to provide for the transfer of authority for the administration of TT Statutes to the Government of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-192) (J&GO SCR 1-211 – 6/2/80) |
PL 1-98 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-8, to provide the method of advice and consent, and for other purposes. (CB No. 1-222, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-196 – 5/22/80) |
PL 1-97 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-84, which appropriated funds for certain public projects in the State of Ponape, to permit additional projects to be funded out of the sum of appropriated, and for other purposes. (CB 1-221, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-223 – 6/6/80) |
PL 1-96 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $315,100 from the General Fund of the FSM to supplement funds appropriate by Public Law No. 1-21 and no 1-52, for the Annual Budget of the Government of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-199, CD1) |
PL 1-95 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $263,800 from the General Fund of the FSM for the purpose of funding certain public projects in the state of Truk, and for other purposes. (CB 1-41, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-193 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-94 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To regulate banking business in the FSM and for other purposes. (CB 1-198, CD2)(R&D SCR 1-180 – 2/6/80) |
PL 1-93 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the purpose of funding the Yap Fishing Authority pursuant to Public Law No 7-111, as amended by Public Law No. 1-26, and for other purposes. (CB 1-158, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-188 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-92 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend 52 TTC 206, as amended by Public Law No IC-3 and Public Law No. 1-34, and for other purposes. (CB 1-197, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-185 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-91 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | Amending title 52 of the TTC as amended relating to Fishery Zone Jurisdiction, and for other purposes. (CB 1-190, CD1)(R&D SCR 1-183 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-90 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To create a Kosrae State Commission on improvement projects, to appropriate the sum of $325,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for the purpose of funding certain public projects administered by the commission, and for other purposes. (CB 1-181, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-192 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-89 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $319,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the certain public purchases and projects in the State of Yap, and for other purposes. (CB 1-174, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-189 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-88 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend title 29 of the TT Code, and for other purposes. (CB 1-191, CD1)(R&D SCR 1-179 – 2/5/80) |
PL 1-87 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $49,100 for the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year September 30, 1980, for the purpose of supplementing funds appropriated under Public Law No. 1-18 for the Commission on Future Political Status, and Transition, and for other purposes. (CB 1-200, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-187 – 2/7/80) |
PL 1-86 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $28,510 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the purpose of defraying the operation and contingency expenses of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-205, CD1) |
PL 1-85 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $150,544 from the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the purpose of defraying the administrative expenses associated with the College of Micronesia and providing funding for the Board of Regents of the College, and for other purposes. (CB 1-132, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-178 – 2/03/80) |
PL 1-84 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $560,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the purpose of funding public projects in the State of Ponape, and for other purposes. (CB 1-204, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-186 – 2/07/80) |
PL 1-83 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To revise part of title 77 of the TT Code, taxation, by amending sections 154, 155, 250, 25`, 253, 257, 259, 260, 262, 268, 269 and 270 thereof, and for other purposes. (CB 1-137, CD3)(W&M SCR 1-116 – 10/22/79) |
PL 1-82 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To further amend Public Law No. 7-29, as amended by Public Law No. 7-130, relating to the establishment and organization of the college of Micronesia, for the purpose of abolishing the position of chancellor, and for other purposes. (CB 1-105)(HESA SCR 1-124 – 10/24/79) |
PL 1-81 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | Amending section 51, title 77 of the TT Code, by levying import taxes on all commodities imported into the FSM, irrespective of whether for resale or for personal use and consumption, and for other purposes. (CB 1-103, CD2)(W&M SCR 1—128 – 10/25/79) |
PL 1-80 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal chapter 3 of title 1 of the TT Code, Future Legislation, and for other purposes. (CB 1-96, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-107 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-79 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide for immigration control and for other purposes. (CB 1-150, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-134 – 10/26/79) |
PL 1-78 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 3 of Public Law No. 7-157, as amended by Public Law No. 1-32, relating to the Joint Coordinating committee on capital relocation, and for other purposes. (CB 1-173, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-165 – 10/30/79) |
PL 1-77 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To create a FSM copra stabilization board, and for other purposes. (CB 1-175)(R&D SCR 1-130 – 10/25/79) |
PL 1-76 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 4C-53 to provide for the termination of the boat-building program and the transfer of its assets to a private corporation meeting certain requirements, and for other purposes. (CB 1-20, CD2)(R&D SCR 1-11 – 5/28/79) |
PL 1-75 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide for citizenship and nationality of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-151, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-133 – 10/26/79) |
PL 1-74 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 68 of title 12 of the TT Code, regarding rights of persons arrested. (CB 1-170)(J&GO SCR 1-136 – 10/26/79) |
PL 1-73 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend sections 151, 152, and 153 of chapter 3 of title 33 of the TT Code, on licensing of copra trade, and for other purposes. (CB 1-116, CD1)(R&D SCR 1-112 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-72 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To confirm the legislative power of State Governments to supersede TT Statutes within the scope of Executive State powers, and for other purposes. (CB 1-136)(J&GO SCR 1-123 – 10/23/79) |
PL 1-71 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 17 of Public Law No 1-47, to shorten the period of transfer allowance from thirty to fifteen days, and for other purposes. (CB 1-178, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-157 – 10/29/79) |
PL 1-70 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal section 151 of chapter 7 of title 1 of the TT Code, area covered by this code, and for other purposes. (CB 1-94, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-105 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-69 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 1501 of title 11 of the TT Code, on pardons and paroles, and for other purposes. (CB 1-123, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-118 – 10/22/79) |
PL 1-68 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend chapter 1 of title 55 of the TT Code, on quarantine regulations, by amending sections 1 through 9 thereof, and for other purposes. (CB 1-135, CD1)(R&D SCR 1-141 – 10/27/79) |
PL 1-67 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of title 77 of the TT Code, concerning business license fees, to provide for a smooth and orderly transition under the amendments, and for other purposes. (CB 1-110, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-115 -10/22/79) |
PL 1-66 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal sections 1 through 56 and 1012 through 104 of title 3 of the TT Code, District Government, and for other purposes. (CB 1-100, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-109 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-65 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To provide for the transfer of Executive functions from the Government of the TT to FSM and for the performance of such functions, and for other purposes. (CB 1-107, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-121 – 10/23/79) |
PL 1-64 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal chapter 1 of title 2 of the TT Code, responsibilities and powers of the Territorial Government, and for other purposes. (CB 1-199, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-108 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-63 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 262, 263, 268,274, 275, and 276 of title 2 of the TT Code, on Legislative Investigation, and for other purposes. (CB 1-104, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-114 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-62 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the TT Code, on organization of the Executive Branch – appointment, and for other purposes. (CB 1-126, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-117 – 10/22/79) |
PL 1-61 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal Chapter 3 of title 2 of the TT Code, Executive, and for other purposes. (CB 1-101, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-110 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-60 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To further amend Public Law No. 7-33, as amended by Public Law No. 1-7, which established a Health Care certificate of need program, and for other purposes. (CB 1-177, CD1)(HESA SCR 1-151 – 10/29/79) |
PL 1-59 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Chapter 1 of title 17 to the TT Code, administrative procedure act, by adding a new section on application, and for other purposes. (CB 1-95, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-106 – 10/19/79) |
PL 1-58 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the purpose of providing surveillance and enforcement capabilities to the Micronesian Maritime authority within the extended fishery zone of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-139)(W&M SCR 1-139 – 10/26/79) |
PL 1-57 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No 1-22, relating to student loan funds for the 1979/80 school year, by allowing for the transfer of the Administration of a said funds from the board of regents to the Director of the Department of Social Services of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-146, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-150 – 10/27/79 & HESA Oral Report – 10/29/79) |
PL 1-56 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend section 101 of title 5 of the TT Code, regarding District Court Jurisdiction, and for other purposes. (CB 1-156, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-29 – 10/25/79) |
PL 1-55 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend sections 1 through 5 of Public Law No. 6-132, on utilization of lateritic and other soil deposits, to appropriate funds therefore, and for other purposes. (CB 1-147, CD1)(R&D SCR 1-135 – 10/26/79 & W&M SCR 1-166 – 10/31/79) |
PL 1-54 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum $188,000 from the General Fund of the FSM for the purpose of supplementing funds appropriated by Public Law No. 1-25, as amended by Public Law No. 1-43, relating to the FY 1980 operations of the Congress of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-131, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-145 – 10/27/79) |
PL 1-53 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal section 2 of title 7 of the TT Code, on certain conversations with Anthropologists privileged, and for other purposes. (CB 1-166)(J&GO SCR 1-125 – 10/24/79) |
PL 1-52 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum $405,000 from the General Fund of the FSM to supplement the funds appropriated by Public Law No. 1-21 for the annual budget of the Government of the FSM for fiscal year 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-48, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-164 – 10/30/79) |
PL 1-51 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To repeal section 203 of title 5 of the TT Code, relating to selection of Temporary Justices of the High Court, to enact a new section 203 in lieu there, and for other purposes. (CB 1-171)(J&GO SCR 1-137 – 10/26/79) |
PL 1-50 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 6-109, as amended by Public Law No. 1-2, to prescribe the time the Micronesian Washington Liaison Officer shall render his annual report in person to the Congress, and for other purposes. (CB 1-112, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-99 – 10/10/79) |
PL 1-49 | October ???– November ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. IC-30, as amended by Public Law No. 1-5, to prescribe a time during which the President of the FSM shall submit an annual budget for the Congress, and for other purposes. (CB 1-106 CD1)(W&M SCR 1-100 – 10/10/79) |
PL 1-48 | ?????, 1979 | To repeal Sections 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, and 256 of Chapter 11 of Title 67 of the Trust Territory Code and to enact new sections in lieu thereof to provide for the preservation of the culture, customs, traditions, and historic places within the Federated States of Micronesia through the establishment of the Institute for Micronesian History and Culture: and for other purposes. (CB 1-79, CD1) |
PL 1-47 | ?????, 1979 | To establish and regulate the National Public Service System of the FSM; to repeal title 61 of the TT Code, insofar as it applies to the central government of the FSM; and for other purposes. (CB 1-75, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-80 – 8/11/79) |
PL 1-46 | ?????, 1979 | To establish a base salary schedule pursuant to the National Public Service System Act; to establish new policies and standards for the compensation of employees in the Public Service System; to provide for the implementation of the salary plan; to repeal Public Law No. 6-65 and other public laws making amendments thereto, and for other purposes. (CB 1-81, CD3)(J&GO SCR 1-82 – 8/11/79) |
PL 1-45 | ?????, 1979 | Establishing the Department of Finance of the FSM pursuant to Public Law No. 1-6 and within it the National Treasury; prescribing the authority, Duties, and responsibilities of the Director of Finance; creating the General Fund of the FSM as the successor fund to that created under Public Law No. 7-150 or its successor; and for other purposes. (CB 1-86, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-88 – 8/12/79) |
PL 1-44 | ?????, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $42,700 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for the purpose of providing 20 percent matching funds for vocational rehabilitation programs within the States of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-85, CD1)(HESA SCR 1-78 – 8/10/79 & W&M SCR 1-91 – 8/13/79) |
PL 1-43 | ?????, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 1-25 to provide for the Administration of funds for t he FY80 operating expenses of the Congress of the FSM by the Director of the Department of Finance of the Government of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-80, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-75 – 8/8/79) |
PL 1-42 | ?????, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $24,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM for FY 79 for the purpose of supplementing funds appropriated under Public Law No. 1-9(1)(4) for the contingent and incidental expenses of the Executive Branch of the Government of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-87, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-92 – 8/13/79) |
PL 1-41 | ?????, 1979 | To amend section 111 of title 2 of the TT Code, as amended, regarding compensation of members of the Congress elected or appointed to fill vacancies, and for other purposes. (CB 1-84, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-81 – 8/11/79) |
PL 1-40 | ?????, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $14,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM as a supplemental appropriation to the annual budget of the Government of the FSM for FY 80, and for other purposes. (CB 1-88, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-85 – 8/11/79) |
PL 1-39 | ?????, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $12,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, for the purpose of providing supplementing funding for the travel expenses of standing committees of the Congress and their staff, and for other purposes. (CB 1-83, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-79 – 8/11/79) |
PL 1-38 | ?????, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM as the FSM’s contribution to the East-West Center, University of Hawaii, for fiscal year 1979, and for other purposes. (CB 1-76, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-76 – 8/8/79) |
PL 1-37 | ?????, 1979 | To reorganize and rename the Micronesia Development Bank as the FSM Development Bank, to reconstitute its Board of Directors, to amend Public Laws relating thereto, to appropriate funds for the Bank, and for other purposes. (CB 1-89, CD3)(R&D SCR 1-87 – 8/12/79) |
PL 1-36 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend sections 3, 4 and 5 of Public Law No 5-88, as amended by Public Law No. 6-57, relating to the bank of Micronesia, to appropriate funds therefore, and for other purposes. (CB 1-24, CD2)(R&D SCR 1-17 – 5/30/79 & W&M SCR 1-52 6/13/79) |
PL 1-35 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To apportion the sum of $266,000 made available for the fiscal year 1980 operation and contingent expenses of the revenue division; to authorize the appropriation of $133,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM as the Congress’s contribution to one-half of the operating and contingent expenses of the Revenue Division; to assess against the States and to authorize withholding there from the total sum of $133,000 as the State’s contribution to one-half of the operating and contingent expenses of the Revenue Division, and for other purposes. (CB 1-33, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-46 – 6/11/79) |
PL 1-34 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend and repeal certain sections of title 52 of the TT Code, and for other purposes. (CB 1-50, CD1)(R&D SCR 1-44 – 6/11/79) |
PL 1-33 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend section 164 of title 2 of the TT Code relating to numbering of laws enacted by the Congress of the FSM, and for other purposes. (CB 1-36)(J&GO SCR 1-24 – 6/2/79) |
PL 1-32 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Sections 3, 5 and 6 of Public Law No. 7-137, relating to the Joint Coordinating Committee on Capital Relocation and for other purposes. (CB 1-32, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-25 – 6/2/79) |
PL 1-31 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To establish the Judicial Organization of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-31, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-19 – 6/1/79) |
PL 1-30 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To further amend Public Law No 6-65, as amended by Public Law No. 6-98, 7-10 and 7-136 of the Congress of Micronesia, and by Public law No. IC-13 of the Interim Congress of the FSM, by extending the expiration date of salary schedules from September 30, 1979 to September 30, 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-69, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-60 – 6/14/79) |
PL 1-29 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend section 111 of title 2 of the Trust Territory code, as amended, to establish the compensation rate for the Speaker of the Congress, and for other purposes. (CB 1-53, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-34 – 6/6/79) |
PL 1-28 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To designate May 10 of each year as FSM Day which shall be observed as a national Holiday throughout the FSM, to provide for the observance of all legal holidays of the Trust Territory Government, and for other purposes. (CB 1-47, CD1)(HESA SCR 1-51 – 6/13/79) |
PL 1-27 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend certain sections of Public Law No. 5-72, as amended by Public Law No. 6-131, relating to the Micronesian Coconut Processing Authority, to appropriate funds for FY 1980 therefor, and for other purposes. (CB 1-35, CD2)(R&D SCR 1-26 – 6/4/79 & W&M SCR 1-73 – 6/15/79) |
PL 1-26 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend certain sections of Public Law No. 7-111, to authorize funds therefore for a five-year period commencing in fiscal year 1980 through 1984, and for other purposes. (CB 1-4, CD2)(R&D SCR 1-5 – 5/21/79 & W&M SCR 1-12 – 5/29/79) |
PL 1-25 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $1,020 from the General Fund of the Congress of the FSM for the purpose of defraying the operating and contingent expenses of the Congress of the FSM for fiscal year 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-34, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-47 – 6/13/79) |
PL 1-24 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $32,100 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of meeting the FSM portion of the cost-sharing obligation for the United Nations Development Programme, and for other purposes. (CB 1-38)(W&M SCR 1-31 – 6/5/79) |
PL 1-23 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $24,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of supplementing funds appropriated under Public Law No. IC-21 for funding the operating and contingent expenses of the Micronesian Washington Office for FY 79, and for other purposes. (CB 1-46, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-32 – 6/5/79) |
PL 1-22 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $200,000 from the General of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for FY 1980 for the purpose of providing funds for student loans for Post-Secondary and graduate levels of training for citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-67, CD1)(HESA SCR 1-50 – 6/13/79 & W&M SCR 1-72 – 6/15/79) |
PL 1-21 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $643,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the Annual Budget of the Government of the FSM for fiscal year 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-62, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-69 – 6/15/79) |
PL 1-20 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To repeal sections 106, 107, 108 and 109 of chapter 5 of title 4 of the Trust Territory Code relating to the revocation, amendment or suspension of municipal ordinances by Higher authority, and for other purposes. (CB 1-54)(J&GO SCR 1-39 – 6/8/79) |
PL 1-19 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To grant ownership of the 45-Foot-Cement Boat constructed by the Truk Boat building program, pursuant to Public Law No. 4C-71, to Fefan Municipality, State of Truk, and for other purposes. (CB 1-22)(R&D SCR 1-27 – 6/5/79) |
PL 1-18 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $444,334 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the operating expenses of the Commission on Future Political Status and transition for fiscal year 1980, and for other purposes. (CB 1-37, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-33 – 6/6/79) |
PL 1-17 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $11,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of supplementing funds made available under Public Law No. IC-15 for the operations of the Micronesian Maritime Authority for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, and for other purposes. (CB 1-29 CD2)(W&M SCR 1-53 – 6/13/79) |
PL 1-16 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 6-87, as amended, relating to membership in the Commission on Future Political Status and Transition, and for other purposes. (CB 1-6, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-18 – 5/31/79) |
PL 1-15 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 1979 for the purpose of completing the construction of the Truk State Delegation Office, to purchase office equipment and supplies, and for other purposes. (CB 1-45, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-63 – 6/14/79) |
PL 1-14 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To repeal sections 301 through 457 of title 2 of the Trust Territory Code, to provide for a new organization of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-58, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-35 – 6/7/79) |
PL 1-13 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 7-68 to provide for the selection of members of the study group on indefinite land use agreements, to appropriate funds for fiscal year 1979 therefore, and for other purposes. (CB 1-8, CD3)(J&GO SCR 1-7 – 5/25/79) |
PL 1-12 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To grant ownership of the Ferro-Cement Boat constructed by the Truk Boat Building program, known as the ‘Nomwin Boat’, to Nomwin Municipality, State of Truk, and for other purposes. (CB 1-30)(R&D SCR 1-29 – 6/5/79) |
PL 1-11 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $175,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for Executive Branch operations for the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia Fiscal Year 1979, and for other purposes. (CB 1-61, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-56 – 6/14/79) |
PL 1-10 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 6-3, as amended by Public Law No. 7-91, relating to the Micronesian Delegation to the United Nations Law of the Sea conference, and for other purposes. (CB 1-56, CD2)(R&D SCR 1-43 – 6/1/79) |
PL 1-9 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $97,600 from the General Fund of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the purpose of defraying contingent and incidental expenses of the President and Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 1979, and for other purposes. (CB 1-25, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-28 – 6/1/79) |
PL 1-8 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To provide the method of advice and consent, and for other purposes. (CB 1-42, CD1)(J&GO SCR 1-21 – 6/1/79) |
PL 1-7 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 13 of Public Law No. 7-33, and for other purposes. (CB 1-13, CD2)(HESA SCR 1-6 – 5/24/79) |
PL 1-6 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To establish the Executive Organization of the Central Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-16, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-16 – 5/29/79) |
PL 1-5 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Section 2 of Public Law No. IC-30 relating to the date and length of regular session of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia for the year 1980 and thereafter, and for other purposes. (CB 1-21)(J&GO SCR 1-14 – 5/29/79) |
PL 1-4 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $41,400 out of the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia as a supplemental appropriation for operating and contingent expenses of the interim and the First Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-1, CD2)(W&M SCR 1-1 – 5/18/79 and W&M Oral Report 6/1/79) |
PL 1-3 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To appropriate the sum of $37, 200 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia as a supplemental appropriation for the purpose of defraying the administration and contingent expenses of the June 13, 1979, special election to fill vacancies in the first Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB 1-10, CD1)(W&M SCR 1-10 – 5/28/79) |
PL 1-2 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. 6-109, to transfer authority over the Micronesian Washington Office to the Executive Branch of the Federated States of Micronesia Government, and for other purposes. (CB 1-2, CD2)(J&GO SCR 1-9 – 5/25/79) |
PL. 1-1 | May 10th thru June ???, 1979 | To amend Public Law No. IC-1, as amended, to provide for procedures for filing nomination petitions as candidates in the Special Election to fill vacancies created as a result of the election of the First President and Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. (CB IC-1)(J&GO SCR 1-4 – May 22, 1979) |